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[英]Online-Quiz: Dividing the answers and questions in to 3 Categories by choosing different Radio-Buttons

I have a problem by updating my Online-Quiz. 我有更新在线测验的问题。

I want to Categorize my Questions and Answers by clicking on Radio Buttons. 我想通过单击单选按钮对我的问题和答案进行分类。 This is my HTML-Code: 这是我的HTML代码:

<fieldset id="my" data-role="controlgroup" data-mini="true">
    <legend>Choose a Category</legend>
    <input type="radio" name="radio-mini" id="radio-mini-1" value="choice-1"  />
    <label for="radio-mini-1">Amateur</label>
    <input type="radio" name="radio-mini" id="radio-mini-2" value="choice-2"  />
    <label for="radio-mini-2">Middle</label>
    <input type="radio" name="radio-mini" id="radio-mini-3" value="choice-3"  />
    <label for="radio-mini-3">Legend</label>

<a href="#" id="Next" data-role="button" onclick="nextStart()">Send</a>

So I have 3 Radio Buttons. 所以我有3个单选按钮。 These radio buttons have also their own multidimensional arrays. 这些单选按钮也具有自己的多维数组。 After I choose one category, the array-name should be renamed to an generally array name "question", because for this array name I have lots of different function which I don`t want to write for every single array. 选择一个类别后,应将数组名称重命名为一般的数组名称“问题”,因为对于此数组名称,我有很多不同的功能,我不想为每个数组编写。 My Javascript-Code after I have clicked on the Send-Button: 我单击发送按钮后的Java代码:

function nextStart()    

$.mobile.changePage( "quiz.html", 
    transition: "pop",
    reverse: false,
    changeHash: false

$("input[name=radio-mini]:checked").each(function next() 
        if ($(this).val() = "choice-1")
            category = "amateur";   

        else if ($(this).val() = "choice-2")
            schwierigkeit = "middle";

            schwierigkeit = "legend";

Now I tell my general array "question" from which array it got the informations: 现在,我告诉我的一般数组“问题”,它从哪个数组中获取信息:

    if(category = "amateur")
        question = amateur.slice(); 

    else if (category = "middle")
        question = middle.slice();

        question = legend.slice();


If I click the category 2 or 3 "legend" and then on the Send Button I get only on the next side, the answers and questions from the first array "amateur". 如果我单击类别2或3“传奇”,然后在“发送”按钮上,我只能从另一侧获得第一组“业余”中的答案和问题。 So I think it doesn't save the right array name after the function 所以我认为它不能在函数后保存正确的数组名称


But I don`t got the solution to fix it.. Can somebody help me? 但是我没有解决的办法。有人可以帮我吗?

It would be nice, thanks beforehand :-) 会很好的,事先感谢:-)

As Ben Lee already stated, you are using asignment operator instead of equality. 正如Ben Lee所说,您正在使用赋值运算符而不是相等符。 Should be like this: 应该是这样的:

if ($(this).val() == "choice-1") {
    category = "amateur";

else if ($(this).val() == "choice-2") {
    category = "middle";

else {
    category = "legend";

See demo . 参见演示


I totally missed the following code, which contains the same error. 我完全错过了以下代码,其中包含相同的错误。 Thanks, Ben! 谢谢,本!

if(category == "amateur")
    question = amateur.slice(); 

else if (category == "middle")
    question = middle.slice();

    question = legend.slice();


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