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Groovy ConfigSlurper:如何在配置中修改闭包?

[英]Groovy ConfigSlurper: how to modify a closure in a config?

I want to modify a grails BuildConfig.groovy: 我想修改grails BuildConfig.groovy:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
    plugins {
        build ":tomcat:7.0.50"

        // plugins for the compile step
        compile ":scaffolding:2.0.1"
        compile ':cache:1.1.1'

        // plugins needed at runtime but not for compilation
        runtime ":hibernate:" // or ":hibernate4:"
        runtime ":database-migration:1.3.8"
        runtime ":jquery:"
        runtime ":resources:1.2.1"

Especially I want to add a plugin and modify another one. 特别是我想添加一个插件并修改另一个。

I tried it with ConfigSlurper : 我尝试了ConfigSlurper

def conf = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File(buildConfig).toURL())
def plugins = conf.grails.project.dependency.resolution 
println "found plugins: $plugins"
plugins.each {
    println it

The access to conf.grails.project.dependency works fine but conf.grails.project.dependency.resolution is a closure and I don't know how to access or even modify this section. conf.grails.project.dependency的访问正常,但conf.grails.project.dependency.resolution是一个闭包,我不知道如何访问或修改此部分。

I don't know grails enough to make some opinionated guess, but it seems to me this config file doesn't conform to ConfigSlurper expected syntax . 我不了解grails足以做出一些有根据的猜测,但是在我看来,此配置文件不符合ConfigSlurper预期的语法 If what you want to parse isn't very long, you can try intercepting it yourself: 如果要解析的内容不是很长,可以尝试自己拦截它:

class PluginConfig {
  def compileLibs = []
  def runtimeLibs = []
  def version

  def build(version) { this.version = version } 
  def compile(lib) { compileLibs << lib }
  def runtime(lib) { runtimeLibs << lib }

def conf = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File("BuildConfig.groovy").toURL())
def plugins = conf.grails.project.dependency.resolution

def lib = new PluginConfig()

plugins.delegate = lib // magick!!

assert lib.compileLibs == [":scaffolding:2.0.1", ':cache:1.1.1']
assert lib.runtimeLibs == [
assert lib.version == ":tomcat:7.0.50"

No idea how to rewrite this to a file (easily) after the change, though. 不过,不知道如何在更改后将其重写为文件(轻松)。 Maybe using Grails own config parser might be a better idea; 也许使用Grails自己的配置解析器可能更好。 it must have a representation of the config when it parses the file. 解析文件时,它必须具有配置的表示形式。

As far as I know there is no perfect way for doing this: all available parsers/slurpers drop the comments of your configuration. 据我所知,没有完美的方法可以执行此操作:所有可用的解析器/提取器都会删除您的配置注释。 So even if you would modify the result from the config slurper and write it back, it wouldn't be what you are looking for. 因此,即使您要修改config slurper的结果并将其写回,也不是您要找的东西。

You also have t consider that people might use variables for version numbers and other unexpected stuff. 您还没有考虑到人们可能将变量用于版本号和其他意外内容。

So I guess the best way to modify the config is to use some regular expressions and hope that you users have a standard configuration... 因此,我猜想修改配置的最好方法是使用一些正则表达式,并希望您的用户具有标准配置...

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