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[英]Bcrypt hash check not working

I have tried using two different wrappers, namely password_compat and Bcrypt , to encrypt my passwords. 我尝试使用两种不同的包装器,即password_compatBcrypt来加密我的密码。 The hash saves fine but the check comparison never matches. 哈希保存得很好,但是检查比较永远不会匹配。

I use the following code to store the hashed password: 我使用以下代码存储哈希密码:

//include ( "Bcrypt.php" );
include ( "password_compat-master/lib/password.php" );

if ( isset ( $_POST["username"] ) and isset ( $_POST["email"] ) and isset ( $_POST["password"] ) )

$username = $_POST["username"];
$password = $_POST["password"];
$email = $_POST["email"];

//$hash = Bcrypt::hash( $password );
$hash = password_hash( $password , PASSWORD_BCRYPT ); //password_compat function

$connect = mysqli_connect( "server" , "user", "pass" , "database" );

//Code to generate next database key ($next)

$sql_insert = "INSERT INTO `use_users` (`UserID`,`Username`,`Password`,`EmailAddress`) VALUES('$next','$username','$hash','$email');";
$res_insert = $connect -> query( $sql_insert );


And I use the following code to verify the password (I am aware of possible SQL injection!): 并且我使用以下代码来验证密码(我知道可能的SQL注入!):

//include ( "Bcrypt.php" );
include ( "password_compat-master/lib/password.php" );

if ( isset ( $_POST["username"] ) and isset ( $_POST["password"] ) )

$username = $_POST["username"];
$password = $_POST["password"];

$connect = mysqli_connect( "server" , "user", "pass" , "database" );

$sql_verify = "SELECT * FROM `use_users` WHERE `Username`='$username';";
$res_verify = $connect -> query( $sql_verify );

while ( $exe_verify = mysqli_fetch_array( $res_verify ) )

$hash = $exe_verify["Password"];

//$check = Bcrypt::check( $password , $hash );
$check = password_verify( $password , $hash ); //password_compat function

if ( $check ) echo "Pass.";
else if ( ! $check ) echo "Fail.";



When I code my own hash check ( crypt( $password, $hash) ) it returns the same hash as the stored one, but with additional characters appended to it. 当我编写自己的哈希检查代码( crypt( $password, $hash) )时,它返回的哈希值与存储的哈希值相同,但附加了附加字符。

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么? Is it a MySQL thing? 这是MySQL吗?

I think that your field could store less characters than generated hash length. 我认为您的字段可以存储的字符少于生成的哈希长度。 So hash has been truncated before instert. 因此,哈希在插入之前已被截断。

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