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[英]Pointing domain from one cPanel account to another

I manage a hosting server using WHM. 我使用WHM管理托管服务器。 I have two cPanel accounts on this server, one for exampletest.com (account name is exampletest) and one for example.com (account name example). 我在此服务器上有两个cPanel帐户,一个为exampletest.com(帐户名称为exampletest),另一个为example.com(帐户名称示例)。 We have a Wordpress site that was working well at exampletest.com but we keep running into problems when we try to migrate it to example.com. 我们在exampletest.com上有一个运行良好的Wordpress网站,但是当我们尝试将其迁移到example.com时,仍然遇到问题。 I believe it has to do with one WordPress plugin that doesn't migrate well. 我相信这与一个迁移不佳的WordPress插件有关。

So we had the idea to simply take the example.com domain and point it to the exampletest cPanel account, then update the domain for WordPress in the database. 因此,我们想到了一个简单的方法,就是将example.com域指定为exampletest cPanel帐户,然后为数据库中的WordPress更新域。 However, one potential issue I can see is that we have many active email addresses on the example account. 但是,我看到的一个潜在问题是,示例帐户上有许多有效的电子邮件地址。 I fear that associating the example.com domain to the exampletest account will break the email addresses. 我担心将example.com域与exampletest帐户相关联会破坏电子邮件地址。

Keeping the above in mind, I have a couple questions: 牢记以上几点,我有几个问题:

  1. Will associating the example.com domain to the exampletest account break the emails? 将example.com域与exampletest帐户相关联会破坏电子邮件吗? If so, is there a workaround (moving the email addresses to the new account somehow?) 如果是这样,是否有解决方法(将电子邮件地址以某种方式移至新帐户?)

  2. Is there a better way to go about doing this that I'm not thinking of? 是否有更好的方式去做我没有想到的事情?

The best way of transferring your wordpress site would be to copy the files, create a database user with the same login details and import the database. 转移您的wordpress网站的最佳方法是复制文件,使用相同的登录详细信息创建数据库用户并导入数据库。 Wordpress shouldn't be able to tell the difference. WordPress不能分辨出差异。

One way would be to assign a static IP address to exampletest and point example.com's A record to that IP. 一种方法是为exampletest分配一个静态IP地址,并将example.com的A记录指向该IP。

Due to the way WHM's DNS and port binding is set up it will not let you set up the same domain on two seperate accounts. 由于WHM的DNS和端口绑定的设置方式,它不允许您在两个单独的帐户上设置相同的域。

You could treat www. 您可以对待www。 as a seperate subdomain and add the subdomain www.example.com to exampletest as an addon domain and remove the www A record from example first. 作为单独的子域,并将子域www.example.com添加到exampletest作为附加域,并首先从示例中删除www A记录。 Redirect all web traffic from example.com to www.example.com or use another sub-domain such as www2. 将所有网络流量从example.com重定向到www.example.com或使用另一个子域,例如www2。

Another option would be transfer the emails, you can either use the transfer tools in WHM > Transfers or use http://imapsync.lamiral.info/ 另一种选择是转移电子邮件,您可以使用WHM>转移中的转移工具,也可以使用http://imapsync.lamiral.info/

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