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[英]Show Radio buttons side by side

I am working on Siebel Smartscript. 我正在研究Siebel Smartscript。 I want to show the radio button side by side, but by default they are coming after a line break as shown below: 我想并排显示单选按钮,但是默认情况下,它们在换行符之后显示,如下所示: 在此处输入图片说明

The html is dynamically generated via swt. html是通过swt动态生成的。 The part of the section where radio button is present is below: 该部分中具有单选按钮的部分如下:

<swe:control id="SSQuestion">
  <table valign="top" width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="AppletBack">
        <td width=20%>&nbsp;</td>
        <td width=75%>
            <span class="questLabel" align="swe:this.TextAlignment">
            <swe:this property="DisplayName"/>
            <swe:this property="RequiredIndicator"/>
            <span class="scField" align="swe:this.TextAlignment">
                <swe:this property="FormattedHtml"/></span>         
        <td width="5%">&nbsp;</td>

The below is what the above is looking like at runtime: 以下是上面在运行时的外观:

<SPAN id=SSQuestionList><TABLE class=AppletBack border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" valign="top">
<TD width="20%">&nbsp;</TD>
<TD width="75%"><SPAN class=questLabel><SPAN id=s_2_1_7_0_d><B>Date of Birth<B></B></B></SPAN><SPAN id=s_2_1_7_0_r>&nbsp;</SPAN></SPAN><BR><SPAN class=scField>
<DIV id=s_2_1_7_0_ss>
<OBJECT style="HEIGHT: 49px" id=s_2_1_7_0 tabIndex=2997 classid=CLSID:07903935-5554-4827-87bf-f195bef987f7 width=500 height=20></OBJECT></DIV></SPAN></TD>
<TD width="5%">&nbsp;</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<SCRIPT defer>
SWEWriteInnerHTML(this.document.getElementById('s_2_1_7_0_ss'),'<object id=s_2_1_7_0 CLASSID="CLSID:07903935-5554-4827-87bf-f195bef987f7" HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=500></object>');

This is the line which is selecting the area of radio button: 这是选择单选按钮区域的行:

SWEWriteInnerHTML(this.document.getElementById('s_2_1_7_0_ss'),'<object id=s_2_1_7_0 CLASSID="CLSID:07903935-5554-4827-87bf-f195bef987f7" HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=500></object>');

But i am not sure how to alter it. 但是我不确定如何更改它。 I have tried css property inline, but to no avail. 我已经尝试过CSS属性内联,但无济于事。 Please suggest. 请提出建议。

The HTML you see is generated inside the Siebel HI application. 您看到的HTML是在Siebel HI应用程序内部生成的。 It uses Active X controls to show the UI objects such as the radio button. 它使用Active X控件显示UI对象,例如单选按钮。 I know of no way to alter the positioning of the options while remaining within the confines of Siebel HI. 我知道在保持Siebel HI范围内的同时,无法更改选项的位置。 The newer Open UI framework generates standard HI for smart scripts which would in turn allow you to achieve your requirement. 较新的Open UI框架为智能脚本生成标准的HI,从而使您可以实现自己的要求。

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