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[英]How do I exit iedit mode with enter?

I want to use my regular keybinding to enter iedit (M--), but I want to exit iedit with a simple press of enter. 我想使用常规的键盘绑定输入iedit(M--),但是我想通过按回车键退出iedit。 How do I do that? 我怎么做?

I guess I should add a hook to my .emacs for iedit-mode, but reading the Ch f iedit ENTER it seems that no such thing exists. 我想我应该为我的.emacs添加一个用于iedit模式的钩子,但是阅读Ch iedit似乎没有这样的东西。

You can define a custom command and bind it to RET in the keymap used by iedit-mode : 您可以定义一个自定义命令并将其绑定到iedit-mode使用的键盘映射中的RET

(require 'iedit)

(defun quit-iedit-mode ()
  "Turn off iedit-mode."
  (iedit-mode -1))

(define-key iedit-mode-keymap (kbd "RET") 'quit-iedit-mode)

With this in place, pressing Enter turns off iedit-mode . 将其放置在适当位置后,按Enter键将关闭iedit-mode

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