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[英]JAXB removing unnecessary nested XML tag

Currently I have following output from my program: 目前,我的程序有以下输出:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <property name="e1">
            <foo name="Alex" status="Married"/>
        <property name="e2">
            <foo name="Chris" status="Married with 2 children"/>

As you can see, having both <container> and <elements> tags is useless. 如您所见,同时具有<container><elements>标签是没有用的。 I'd like to remove <elements> , so the output would look like: 我想删除<elements> ,因此输出如下所示:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <property name="e1">
        <foo name="Alex" status="Married"/>
    <property name="e2">
        <foo name="Chris" status="Married with 2 children"/>

Code that's generating first output is listed below: 下面列出了生成第一个输出的代码:

public class Container {

    private Map<String, Foo> elements = new HashMap<String, Foo>();

    public Container() {
        this.elements = new HashMap<String, Foo>();

    public Map<String, Foo> getElements() {
        return elements;

    @XmlRootElement(name = "foo")
    static class Foo {
        public String name;

        public String status;

        public Foo(String name, String status) {
            this.name = name;
            this.status = status;

        public Foo() {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws JAXBException {
        final JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(Container.class);
        final Marshaller m = context.createMarshaller();
        m.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);

        final Container c = new Container();
        final Map<String, Foo> elementsMap = c.getElements();
        elementsMap.put("e1", new Foo("Alex", "Married"));
        elementsMap.put("e2", new Foo("Chris", "Married with 2 children"));

        m.marshal(c, System.out);

And MyAdapter class, based on JAXB @XmlAdapter: Map -> List adapter? MyAdapter类,基于JAXB @XmlAdapter:Map-> List adapter? (marshall only) : (仅限马歇尔)

public class MyAdapter extends XmlAdapter<MyAdapter.AdaptedFoo, Map<String, Foo>> {

    static class AdaptedFoo {
        public List<Property> property = new ArrayList<>();

    public static class Property {
        public String name;

        @XmlElementRef(type = Foo.class)
        public Foo value;

    public Map<String, Foo> unmarshal(AdaptedFoo v) throws Exception {
        return null;

    public AdaptedFoo marshal(Map<String, Foo> map) throws Exception {
        if (null == map) {
            return null;
        AdaptedFoo adaptedFoo = new AdaptedFoo();
        for (Entry<String, Foo> entry : map.entrySet()) {
            Property property = new Property();
            property.name = entry.getKey();
            property.value = entry.getValue();
        return adaptedFoo;

How can I remove <elements> tag from my output? 如何从输出中删除<elements>标签?

edit: I've found 'dirty' way to do it - setting @XmlRootElement(name = "") for Container class . 编辑: 我发现这样做的“肮脏”方法-为Container类设置@XmlRootElement(name = "") But is there any 'elegant' way? 但是,有什么“优雅”的方式吗?

The XML element <elements> is required to associate the enclosed element seqence with the property Map<?,?> elements . 需要XML元素<elements>来将封闭的元素序列与属性Map<?,?> elements关联。 You can't drop it: how would an unmarshaller know where the <property> elements belong *on the level of the element <container> . 您不能删除它:解组员如何知道<property>元素在*元素<container>级别上的位置。

Having a List<Property> is different since JAXB handles repeated elements x "hardwired" as a List<?> x , so there's no need for a wrapper. 具有List<Property>有所不同,因为JAXB将“硬连线”的重复元素x作为List<?> x ,因此不需要包装器。

Since you write Java classes with annotations, you could use this by adding (to Container) another "virtual" field and modify some annotations: 由于您编写带有注释的Java类,因此可以通过在容器中添加另一个“虚拟”字段并修改一些注释来使用此方法:

public class Container {
// ...
public Map<String,Foo> getElements(){
    return elements;
private List<Property> property;
public List<Property> getProperty(){
    List<Property>  props = elements.entrySet().stream()
                            .map( e -> new Property( e.getKey(), e.getValue() )
                            .collect( Collectors.toList() );
    return props;

Older Javas might do 较旧的Java可能会这样做

   List<Property> props = new ArrayList<>();
   for( Map.Entry<String,Foo> e: elements.entrySet() ){
       props.add( new Property( e.getKey(), e.getValue() ) );
   return props;

This marshals like this: 像这样的元帅:

    <property name="aaa">
       <foo name="aaaname" status="aaastatus"/>
    <property name="bbb">
       <foo name="bbbname" status="bbbstatus"/>

It doesn't unmarshal! 它不会解组!

Other than removing the tag by "hacking" the element name to be "", I don't think you're going to be able to get around using that data type without the nested tag. 除了通过“黑客”将元素名称更改为“”来删除标签之外,我认为您将无法在没有嵌套标签的情况下使用该数据类型。

The tag is describing the data type that encompasses your adapted class, which you've annotated as an XML element called elements , which contains properties defined by your adapter. 标记描述的是包含已适配类的数据类型,该类已注释为一个名为elements的XML elements ,其中包含适配器定义的属性。

If you want something that more closely matches what I think you are after, either change the context of your root class, or maybe use a List instead of a HashMap in your container class. 如果您想要更符合我的想法的东西,请更改根类的上下文,或者在容器类中使用List而不是HashMap

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