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[英]Show possible points in ZXing.Net barcode

I'm integrating the ZXing.Net's barcode reader in an app I'm working and I would like to know if it's possible to have the same behavior that their app has when scanning bar codes? 我正在将ZXing.Net的条形码读取器集成到正在使用的应用程序中,我想知道在扫描条形码时是否可能具有与其应用程序相同的行为? I mean, it shows some yellow spots where it thinks there is a bar code... 我的意思是,它在认为有条形码的地方显示了一些黄点...

I don't think it's possible. 我认为这是不可能的。 The component does not contain such property. 该组件不包含此类属性。 You could write your own custom overlay, but then again, there is no event to see if the scanning is actually occurring, wich makes it impossible to show an effect on scanning, so my answer would be no, it's not possible. 您可以编写自己的自定义叠加层,但是同样,没有事件可以查看扫描是否确实在进行,这使得无法显示出对扫描的影响,因此我的回答是不,那是不可能的。

If you use the original ZXing.Net assembly (not the ZXing.Net.Mobile component) you can use the event ResultPointFound of the BarcodeReader class. 如果您使用原始的ZXing.Net程序集(而不是ZXing.Net.Mobile组件),则可以使用BarcodeReader类的事件ResultPointFound The event is fired every time if a point of a potential barcode is found. 每次发现潜在条形码点时都会触发该事件。 In the event handler you can draw your yellow dots. 在事件处理程序中,您可以绘制黄点。

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