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[英]Facing an issue while accessing declared event in vb.net

Facing an issue while accessing declared event in vb.net. 在vb.net中访问声明的事件时遇到问题。

Please go thorough below example. 请仔细阅读以下示例。 (I have modified below stuff to make understable as it is part of one of custom control development) (我修改了以下内容,使其变得不稳定,因为它是自定义控件开发之一)

Public Class Main
    Inherits ComboBox

    'Event handler for when an item check state changes.
    Public Event ItemCheck As ItemCheckEventHandler
    Private parentMainClass As Main
    Private cclb As controlClass

    Public Sub New(parentclass As Main)
        Me.parentMainClass = parentclass
        'Add a handler to notify our parent of ItemCheck events.
        AddHandler Me.cclb.ItemCheck, New System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventHandler(AddressOf Me.cclb_ItemCheck)
    End Sub

    Private Sub cclb_ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As ItemCheckEventArgs)
        'If ccbParent.ItemCheck IsNot Nothing Then
            RaiseEvent parentMainClass.ItemCheck(sender,e)
        'End If
    End Sub

    Public Class controlClass
        Inherits CheckedListBox
    End Class
End Class

Problem: RaiseEvent parentMainClass.ItemCheck(sender,e) this statement shows - ItemCheck event not exists even though it is existed. 问题:此语句显示RaiseEvent parentMainClass.ItemCheck(sender,e) -即使存在ItemCheck事件也不存在。

Please guide. 请指导。

Thank You 谢谢

The event declaration; 事件声明;

Public Event ItemCheck As ItemCheckEventHandler

Should be; 应该;

Public Event ItemCheck(sender As Object, e As ItemCheckEventArgs)

What the error is telling you is that it cannot match up the event to the event handler signature. 该错误告诉您的是,它无法将事件与事件处理程序签名匹配。

From your original code, the line; 从您的原始代码开始;

RaiseEvent parentMainClass.ItemCheck(sender, e)

should be changed to; 应该改为

RaiseEvent ItemCheck(sender, e)

This raises the ItemCheck event from the current instance. 这从当前实例引发ItemCheck事件。 What you seem to be wanting to do is to raise the event on the parent instance, which is a bit different. 您似乎想要做的是在实例上引发事件,这有点不同。

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