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[英]PowerMockito mock a generic constructor

I have a class that is declared like this: 我有一个这样声明的类:

public class GenericFoo<T>
    private final Class<T> _c;
    public GenericFoo(Class<T> c)
        this._c = c; 
    rest is unimportant

I am writing a unit test for a class, call it SomeBar which creates and makes use of instances of GenericFoo . 我写一个单元测试的一类,称之为SomeBar创建并利用的实例GenericFoo For this test I need the constructor to always return a specific spy of GenericFoo . 对于此测试,我需要构造函数始终返回特定的GenericFoo间谍。

    MyWebServiceResponse webServiceResponseObject = setUpTestResponseObject(1,2,3);

    GenericFoo<MyWebServiceResponse> testFoo = PowerMockito.spy(new GenericFoo<MyWebServiceResponse>(MyWebServiceResponse.class));

            .thenAnswer(new Answer<String>()
                public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable
                    /* details unimportant */

To ensure that testFoo is returned when SomeBar creates an instance of GenericFoo<MyWebServiceResponse> , I've tried this: 为了确保在SomeBar创建SomeBar GenericFoo<MyWebServiceResponse>的实例时返回testFoo ,我尝试了以下操作:


This causes PowerMock to produce the error: 这将导致PowerMock产生错误:

org.powermock.reflect.exceptions.ConstructorNotFoundException: Failed to lookup constructor with parameter types [ com.myCompany.MyWebServiceResponse ] in class com.myCompany.GenericFoo.
...[stack trace snipped]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.myCompany.GenericFoo.(com.myCompany.MyWebServiceResponse)

Is there any way to get a generic constructor to return a specific object in this sort of situation? 在这种情况下,有什么方法可以让泛型构造函数返回特定对象?

The root cause of your error is that the parameter type for the constructor is just Class at runtime (and Class<T> at compile time, never MyWebServiceResponse ). 该错误的根本原因是,构造函数的参数类型在运行时只是Class (在编译时是Class<T> ,而不是MyWebServiceResponse )。

So using 所以用


should work. 应该管用。

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