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在if check中复制值时如何复制条件格式?

[英]How to copy conditional formatting when copying value within if check?

I have a check such as 我有一张支票,例如


Where Sheet2!A1 contains a conditional formatted cell (colored a specific color) 其中Sheet2!A1包含条件格式的单元格(为特定颜色上色)

I want to keep the color on my new sheet 我想在新纸上保留颜色

How can I copy the cell, its value and its formatting? 如何复制单元格,其值和格式?

Can this be accomplished within a formula or is there something in VBA I can write that will do this 可以在公式中完成此操作,还是可以在VBA中写一些东西来做到这一点?

Can this be accomplished within a formula?

AFAIK, I don't think you can do this using excel formula AFAIK,我认为您无法使用excel公式执行此操作

VBA Code: VBA代码:

Select the cell where you had the formula and run the macro 选择具有公式的单元格并运行宏

Sub ColorCopyCell()
If (IsEmpty(ActiveCell)) Then 'If empty
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
End If
End Sub

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