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退出应用程序的方法之间的区别:exit(),NSApp / NSApplication终止

[英]Difference between ways to quit an application: exit(), NSApp/NSApplication terminate

I looked up how to quit an application online, and I've found a lot of conflicting answers. 我查看了如何在线退出应用程序,我发现了许多相互矛盾的答案。 Different people have suggested the following, each with different reasons: 不同的人提出以下建议,每个都有不同的原因:


[NSApp terminate:self];

[NSApp terminate:nil];

[[NSApplication sharedApplication] terminate:self];

Being new to Objective-C, all of them seem pretty reasonable to me. 作为Objective-C的新手,所有这些对我来说都很合理。 When is each method most appropriate to use? 每种方法何时最适合使用?

All of these: 所有这些:

[NSApp terminate:self];

[NSApp terminate:nil];

[[NSApplication sharedApplication] terminate:self];

do the same thing. 做同样的事。 NSApp is a global variable which holds the application object. NSApp是一个保存应用程序对象的全局变量。 [NSApplication sharedApplication] returns the application object or, if this is the first call, creates it and then returns it. [NSApplication sharedApplication]返回应用程序对象,如果这是第一次调用,则创建它然后返回它。 If you're considering exiting the app, this is almost certainly not the first call. 如果你正在考虑退出应用程序,这几乎肯定不是第一次打电话。

The -terminate: method ignores the argument ( sender ). -terminate:方法忽略参数( sender )。 The only reason it takes an argument is that it's an action method and that's the general form of action methods. 它需要一个参数的唯一原因是它是一个动作方法,这是动作方法的一般形式。

Note that -terminate: will not simply exit the app. 请注意, -terminate:不会简单地退出应用程序。 It will call the app delegate's -applicationShouldTerminate: method, if implemented. 它将调用app delegate的-applicationShouldTerminate:方法(如果已实现)。 Depending on the return code, the delegate can cancel termination or defer the decision. 根据返回代码,代表可以取消终止或推迟决定。 If the decision is deferred, the application will run in a special mode waiting for it. 如果决定延期,则应用程序将以特殊模式运行,等待它。

Finally, if the app does (eventually) terminate, NSApplication will post the NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification notification. 最后,如果应用程序(最终)终止, NSApplication将发布NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification通知。 If the app delegate implements -applicationWillTerminate: , that will be called as a result of posting that notification. 如果app委托实现了-applicationWillTerminate: ,那么将通过发布该通知来调用它。 The delegate can do some final cleanup. 代表可以做一些最后的清理工作。 In addition to the delegate, there can be arbitrary other observers of that notification that want a chance to do cleanup. 除了委托之外,该通知的任意其他观察者可能希望有机会进行清理。

Calling exit(0) provides no opportunity for any of this. 调用exit(0)提供任何机会。

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