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[英]AngularJS: Modify Bootstrap Modal after loading content

I want to use this pretty image cropper in my AngularJS project. 我想在我的AngularJS项目中使用这个漂亮的图像裁剪器 When I use it the "normal" way, that is on a plain page, everything works fine. 当我以“正常”方式使用它时,即在普通页面上,一切正常。 The problem is that I want to put it on to the Bootstrap modal dialog. 问题是我想把它放在Bootstrap模态对话框中。

In order to initialize the cropper, I am supposed to execute this snippet: 为了初始化cropper,我应该执行这个片段:

    aspectRatio : 1.618,
    done : function(data) {

But it has to be executed after the DOM of the modal is loaded. 但它必须在加载模态的DOM 之后执行。 So I have tried to run it like this: 所以我试图像这样运行它:

$scope.onCropOpen = function() {
    var modalInstance = $modal.open({
        templateUrl : 'cropModal.html',
        controller : CropModalInstanceCtrl

    modalInstance.opened.then(function() {
            aspectRatio : 1.618,
            done : function(data) {

Unfortunately, the cropper still is not being initialized. 不幸的是,裁剪器仍然没有被初始化。 I know that it should work after calling it when the modal is loaded, because I ran it manually from the browser console (with the modal dialog open) and then the cropper "magically" initialized. 我知道在加载模态后调用它应该可以工作,因为我从浏览器控制台手动运行它(打开模态对话框),然后“魔术”初始化了剪切器。

Here is a very simple directive that can show you the direction. 这是一个非常简单的指令,可以向您显示方向。 Instead of defining element with class ".cropper", create element "image-cropper" (since directive name is "imageCropper"): 而不是使用类“.cropper”定义元素,创建元素“image-cropper”(因为指令名称是“imageCropper”):


This is a pretty general snippet that should work in similar way for any jquery plugin. 这是一个非常通用的代码片段,对于任何jquery插件都应该以类似的方式工作。

*Don't forget to change module name from "myApp", to the name of your application module... *不要忘记将模块名称从“myApp”更改为应用程序模块的名称...

angular.module("myApp").directive('imageCropper', function ($parse) {
            return {
                restrict: "E",
                replace: true,

                compile: function (element, attrs) {
                    var modelAccessor = $parse(attrs.ngModel);

                    var html = "<img></img>"; 
                    var newElem = $(html); 
                    newElem.attr("src", attrs.src);

                    return function (scope, element, attrs, controller) {

                            aspectRatio : 1.618,
                            done : function(data) {



Try to put the jquery code inside CropModalInstanceCtrl function: 尝试将jquery代码放在CropModalInstanceCtrl函数中:

var CropModalInstanceCtrl = function ($scope, $modalInstance) {

      aspectRatio : 1.618,
      done : function(data) {


Vitali's solution is done the proper way and definitely should be used. 维塔利的解决方案是以正确的方式完成的,绝对应该使用。 But if someone still needs a brute method, this worked for me as well: 但如果有人仍然需要一个粗暴的方法,这对我也有用:

modalInstance.opened.then(function() {
    $timeout(function() {
            aspectRatio : 1.0,
            done : function(data) {

Generally, this type of solutions should be avoided because timeouts might be treacherous. 通常,应避免使用此类解决方案,因为超时可能是危险的。

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