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[英]d3.js passing bound function does not appear to execute the function

I am trying to reuse some code that makes x-axis ticks. 我正在尝试重用一些使x轴出现刻度的代码。 Here is the method I've put it in: 这是我放入的方法:

xTicks: (scale, dayTickFormat) ->
    .ticks(d3.time.days, 1)

Please pardon the coffeescript :\\ 请原谅咖啡文字:\\

Anyway, I here is the code that calls that: 无论如何,我这里是调用该代码的代码:

drawTicks: (chart, chartOptions, margin, x, y, num_y_ticks) ->

    xTickGroup = chart.append("g").attr("class", "day-ticks")
    .call(@xTicks.bind(@, x, dayTickFormat))
    .attr("transform", "translate(#{chartOptions.offset.left}, #{chartOptions.height - 10})")

When this code executes, I don't get any ticks. 当执行此代码时,我没有任何打勾。 I'm stumped. 我很沮丧 Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

OK, nvm, I got it. 好的,nvm,我明白了。

call() wasn't calling the "d3.svg.axis()" bit, it was calling the method I had wrapped around it. call()并未调用“ d3.svg.axis()”位,而是在调用我包装的方法。 So, if I store my method in a variable like so: 因此,如果我将方法存储在这样的变量中:

xTicks = @xTicks(x, dayTickFormat)

I can call it more simply like this: 我可以这样称呼它:

xTickGroup = chart.append("g").attr("class", "day-ticks")
.attr("transform", "translate(#{chartOptions.offset.left}, #{chartOptions.height - 10})")

Hope this helps someone, someday :\\ 希望有一天能对某人有所帮助:\\

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