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[英]Create multiple entries with checkbox and strong params in Rails4

I am having problems with the following scenario: 我在以下情况下遇到问题:

My users do searches by keywords which produces a list. 我的用户通过关键字进行搜索,从而生成列表。 The user has 2 actions either add them to a favorites table or block them using check boxes. 用户有2个动作,要么将它们添加到收藏夹表中,要么使用复选框阻止它们。

The problem I have is that when users click "Add to Favorites" the form passes a list of hashes to my strong params method and I am not able to pass it correctly. 我的问题是,当用户单击“添加到收藏夹”时,表单将哈希列表传递给我的强params方法,而我却无法正确传递它。

I think the problem is that the hash required by strong_params is inside another hash. 我认为问题在于strong_params所需的哈希在另一个哈希内。

Also I have no idea on how to pass the same hash to the BlockController when user click "Block" 我也不知道当用户单击“块”时如何将相同的哈希传递给BlockController

This is the error message: 这是错误消息:

param is missing or the value is empty: {:favorites=>{:name=>"Jon Doe", :title=>"Provider", :company=>"Acme", :location=>"Dubai", :profile=>"Group A", :notes=>""}}

My results.html.erb is 我的results.html.erb是

<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
      <th class="center">Name</th>
      <th class="center">Title</th>
      <th class="center">Company</th>
      <th class="center">Location</th>
      <th class="center">Profile</th>
      <th class="center">Select</th>

  <%= form_tag favorites_path do %>
        <%= @results.length %>
        <% @results.each do |key,value| %>

              <td><%= value['name'] %></td>
              <td><%= value['title'] %></td>
              <td><%= value['company'] %></td>
              <td><%= value['location'] %></td>
              <td><%= link_to 'Profile', value['profile'],:target => "_blank"%></td>
              <td><%=check_box_tag 'favorite[]',  {:name => value['name'],:title =>value['title'],:company => value['company'],:location => value['location'], :profile=> value['profile'], :notes =>""}%></td>


        <% end %>
    <%= submit_tag "Add to Favorites", name: 'add', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
    <%= submit_tag "Block Profiles", name: 'block', class: 'btn btn-danger' %>
  <% end %>

this is how my strong_params method looks: 这是我的strong_params方法的外观:

def favorite_params

  params[:profiles].each do |e|
    params.require(e).permit(:name, :title, :company, :location, :profile, :notes)

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Update: 更新:

I am able to pass params as: 我能够将参数传递为:

def favorite_params

create method: 创建方法:

def create
    @favorite = Favorite.new(favorite_params)
    @favorite.user_id = current_user.id
    respond_to do |format|
      if @favorite.save
        format.html { redirect_to @favorite, notice: 'Favorite was successfully created.' }
        format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @favorite }
        format.js { render :show, status: :created, location: @favorite }

        format.html { render :new }
        format.json { render json: @favorite.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }


Reference to http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/Parameters.html Don't use each, use permit or require directly Try this: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionController/Parameters.html的引用不要使用每个,使用许可或直接要求试试看:

params.permit(profiles: {favorites: [:name, :title, :company, :location, :profile, :notes]})
#or :
params.permit(profiles: [{favorites: [:name, :title, :company, :location, :profile, :notes]}])
#=>{:profiles=>{:favorites=>{:name=>"Jon Doe", :title=>"Provider", :company=>"Acme", :location=>"Dubai", :profile=>"Group A", :notes=>""}}}

or : 要么 :

params.require(:profiles).permit( favorites: [:name, :title, :company, :location, :profile, :notes])
#=>{:favorites=>{:name=>"Jon Doe", :title=>"Provider", :company=>"Acme", :location=>"Dubai", :profile=>"Group A", :notes=>""}}


According to OP's modification of the view, the favorite_params should be: 根据OP对视图的修改, favorite_params应该是:


Then in the create action use each to create every member of the array, becase check_box pass string as value, we have to eval the string into hash again. 然后在create操作中,使用each来创建数组的每个成员,如果check_box将字符串作为值传递,我们必须再次将该字符串评估为hash。

favorite_params.each do |fp|
  f.user_id = current_user.id

But use eval to transfer the params is not safe. 但是使用eval传递参数是不安全的。 I suggest you to modify your view to: 我建议您将视图修改为:

<%= form_tag favorites_path do %>
  <%= @results.length %>
  <% @results.each do |key,value| %>
      <td><%= value['name'] %></td>
      <td><%= value['title'] %></td>
      <td><%= value['company'] %></td>
      <td><%= value['location'] %></td>
      <td><%= link_to 'Profile', value['profile'],:target => "_blank"%></td>
      <td><%= check_box_tag "favorites[#{value['name']}][checked]", 'checked',true %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag "favorites[#{value['name']}][name]" , value['name'] %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag "favorites[#{value['name']}][title]" , value['title'] %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag "favorites[#{value['name']}][company]" , value['company'] %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag "favorites[#{value['name']}][location]" , value['location'] %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag "favorites[#{value['name']}][profile]" , value['profile'] %>
          <%= hidden_field_tag "favorites[#{value['name']}][note]" , "" %>
  <% end %>
  <%= submit_tag "Add to Favorites", name: 'add', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
  <%= submit_tag "Block Profiles", name: 'block', class: 'btn btn-danger' %>
<% end %>

From this view, you may have params like this: 从这个角度来看,您可能有如下的参数:

  "Jon Doe" => {:checked => "checked", :name=>"Jon Doe", :title=>"Provider", :company=>"Acme", :location=>"Dubai", :profile=>"Group A", :notes=>""},
  "Alberto" => {:name=>"Alberto", :title=>"DS", :company=>"Dufrain", :location=>"chester", :profile=>"", :notes=>""}

Then change your favorite_params to : 然后将您的favorite_params更改为:

params.require(:favorites).select{|k,v| v[:checked]}.map{|k,v| v.except(:checked)}

Use select to get all checked members, and except the checked hash key that generated by check_box,so you could get an array of hashes like: 使用select来获取所有选中的成员,以及由check_box生成的checked哈希键,因此您可以得到一个哈希数组,例如:

[{"name"=>"Jon Doe", "title"=>"Provider", "company"=>"Acme", "location"=>"Dubai", "profile"=>"Group A", "notes"=>""}]

Then you could use favorite_params safely without eval. 然后,您可以安全地使用favorite_params而不进行评估。

But on my point, your requiement is so similar as Mark V's question . 但就我的观点而言,您的要求与马克五世的问题如此相似。 So you can study using accepts_nested_attributes_for to simplify your code. 因此,您可以使用accepts_nested_attributes_for进行研究以简化代码。

i am on the way home so have to use my phone to type a new answer. 我在回家的路上,所以必须使用手机输入新答案。 my spell may wrong. 我的咒语可能错了。

as you see in your console. 如您在控制台中看到的。 you should get the favorites array use require only. 您应该只获得收藏夹数组使用要求。


then in your create action use each to create every member of the array. 然后在您的create动作中,使用each来创建数组的每个成员。

favorite_params.each do |fp|
  f.user_id =

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