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[英]how to show Alert while the input text data is changing with actionscript 2?

i want to make an input text validation with FLASH ActionScript 2. The input text only displaying numbers above 5, so if i try to input number 0,1,2,3,4, the Alert will pop up and give an information that the data should be above 5. 我想使用FLASH ActionScript 2进行输入文本验证。输入文本仅显示大于5的数字,因此,如果我尝试输入数字0、1、2、3、4,则警报将弹出并提供以下信息:数据应高于5。

i want the validation processing while the input text is changing, because i dont use any button as the trigger. 我想在输入文本更改时进行验证处理,因为我不使用任何按钮作为触发器。

import mx.controls.Alert;

var tiListener:Object = new Object();

tiListener.change = function(evt_obj:Object)
   if(inputText.text < 5)
      trace("Numbers below 5 are not allowed");
      Alert.show("Numbers below 5 are not allowed", "Error");

proj.addEventListener("change", tiListener);

Trace output is working well, but the Alert not shown. 跟踪输出运行良好,但未显示警报。 Any body have any solution? 任何身体有什么解决办法? Thanks.. 谢谢..

The type of your inputText text is string , and you want it to be number . inputText文本的类型为string ,并且您希望它为number Use the parseInt method to convert your string to an integer : 使用parseInt方法将您的字符串转换为integer

inputText.onChanged = function(tf:TextField) 
    if (parseInt(tf.text) < 5)
      trace("Numbers below 5 are not allowed");
      Alert.show("Numbers below 5 are not allowed", "Error");

Place this code into your function, and that will be more clear: 将此代码放入您的函数中,这将更加清楚:


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