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如何在Eucalyptus 4.0.0中启用调试日志记录?

[英]How to enable debug logging in Eucalyptus 4.0.0?

Can anyone explain how to enable debug logging in Eucalyptus 4.0.0 properly? 谁能解释如何在Eucalyptus 4.0.0中正确启用调试日志记录? I set LOGLEVEL="DEBUG" in /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf 我在/etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf设置LOGLEVEL="DEBUG"

Then I restarted everything but logs still only show INFO , WARN and ERROR . 然后,我重新启动了所有内容,但日志仍然只显示INFOWARNERROR

You're on the right track. 您走在正确的轨道上。 Setting LOGLEVEL="DEBUG" in eucalyptus.conf is valid for C-based components, and Java-based components which have not yet fully bootstrapped. 在eucalyptus.conf中设置LOGLEVEL =“ DEBUG”对基于C的组件和尚未完全自举的基于Java的组件有效。 When you set DEBUG in eucalyptus.conf, you'll need to restart the affected components on just that machine. 在eucalyptus.conf中设置DEBUG时,您仅需要在该计算机上重新启动受影响的组件。 So for example, on the NC, you would need to issue a restart, eg, "service eucalyptus-nc restart" in order to pick up the new value. 因此,例如,在NC上,您需要发出重启,例如“ service eucalyptus-nc restart”,以获取新值。

For the Java components, in particular after they've bootstrapped, you set the cloud-wide PROPERTY thusly: 对于Java组件,尤其是在自举之后,您可以这样设置整个云范围的PROPERTY:

euca-modify-property -p cloud.euca_log_level=DEBUG

and the output will tell you what the property was, and what is has become, if done correctly. 如果正确完成,输出将告诉您该属性是什么,什么已经成为。

For example: 例如:

# euca-modify-property -p cloud.euca_log_level=DEBUG
PROPERTY        cloud.euca_log_level    DEBUG was INFO

Once you've set that, you're good to go. 设置好之后,就很好了。 No need to restart any of the Java components, anywhere in the cloud. 无需在云中的任何位置重新启动任何Java组件。

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