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如何配置Wing101以运行Python 3.3?

[英]How do I configure Wing101 to run Python 3.3?

I'm taking a uni course in introductory programming, as its a requirement for continuing in astrophysics. 我正在上入门课程的一门课程,因为它是继续天体物理学的要求。 The course is taught in Python 3.3 and they like us to use Wing101. 本课程以Python 3.3授课,他们喜欢我们使用Wing101。 My mac's OS is 10.9.4 我的Mac操作系统是10.9.4

I've downloaded X-11, and Python 3.3, but whenever I open Wing, it runs Python 2.7.5. 我已经下载了X-11和Python 3.3,但是只要打开Wing,它就会运行Python 2.7.5。

I've tried changing the executable file in the properties, and it accepts it, but when I click okay, and restart my shell, it just continues running 2.7.5 我尝试过更改属性中的可执行文件,它接受了该文件,但是当我单击“确定”并重新启动外壳程序时,它将继续运行2.7.5。

I've also looked at this question: Wing101 - Configure python 3.3.2 from 2.7.2 on a mac and it hasn't helped me really. 我也看过这个问题: Wing101-在Mac上从2.7.2配置python 3.3.2 ,它并没有真正帮助我。

I've no idea what to do, and it's making it really hard to do my assignments!! 我不知道该怎么办,这使我的工作变得非常困难! Any help would be awesome! 任何帮助都是极好的!

Thanks!! 谢谢!!

If you can run the desired Python 3.3 outside of Wing do import sys; print(sys.executable) 如果您可以在Wing之外运行所需的Python 3.3,请import sys; print(sys.executable) import sys; print(sys.executable) , that will give you the full path to put into the Python Executable in the Configure Python dialog (from the Edit menu). import sys; print(sys.executable) ,它将为您提供在“配置Python”对话框(从“编辑”菜单)中放入“ Python可执行文件”的完整路径。 Then restart the Python Shell from its Options menu. 然后从“选项”菜单重新启动Python Shell。

Also, if you're using Wing 5 you don't need X11 on a Mac. 另外,如果您使用的是Wing 5,则在Mac上不需要X11。 If you're using Wing 4 then you should try Wing 5 instead. 如果您使用的是Wing 4,则应该改用Wing 5。

打开WingIDE /单击“源” /选择“显示python环境” /单击“更改设置” /将“ Python可执行文件”从默认更改为“自定义”,然后从菜单中选择python3版本。

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