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[英]Cannot view the nodes I created using py2neo using a cypher query in the browser

I am creating nodes using py2neo as follows: 我正在使用py2neo创建节点,如下所示:

from py2neo import neo4j 
graph_db =  neo4j.GraphDatabaseService("http://localhost:7474/db/data")

print graph_db.neo4j_version

if not graph_db.get_index(neo4j.Node, "Kiran"):
        from py2neo import node,rel
        trial = graph_db.create(
        rel(0, "Brother", 1),

details = graph_db.get_index(neo4j.Node, "Kiran")
print details

the get_index returns me some data like get_index返回一些数据,例如

Index(Node, u'http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node/Kiran')

but when I search for the node on the browser, it returns me nothing... am I doing something wrong here? 但是当我在浏览器上搜索节点时,它什么也没有返回……我在这里做错了吗?

also I am trying to publish some network information as follows : 我也试图发布一些网络信息,如下所示:

from py2neo import neo4j
from py2neo import node,rel
graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService("http://localhost:7474/db/data")

def nodepublish(dpid, port, mac):
  if graph_db.get_index( neo4j.Node, dpid ) == None:
    create = graph_db.create({"DPID": dpid})
    print "switch "+str(dpid)+" added to graph"
  if graph_db.get_index( neo4j.Node, mac ) == None:
    query = neo4j.CypherQuery(graph_db, "MATCH (sw) WHERE sw.DPID = "+str(dpid)+" CREATE (nd {MAC: "+str(mac)+"}) CREATE (sw)-[:connected {PORT: "+str(port)+"}]->(nd)")
    print "node "+str(mac)+" added to graph"

When I call the nodepublish() function like 当我像这样调用nodepublish()函数时


It creates a new node with dpid:1 every time instead of skipping the if statement once the get_index doesn't return None. 每次使用dpid:1创建一个新节点,而不是在get_index不返回None时跳过if语句。

can someone help me out with this please? 有人可以帮我这个忙吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

Point no 1 : make sure you have a trailing slash on your GraphDatabaseService URI. 第一点 :确保GraphDatabaseService URI上有一个斜杠。 You may get incorrect results without it. 没有它,您可能会得到不正确的结果。

Point no 2 : you are using legacy indexes here. 第2点 :您在此处使用旧版索引 Be clear about which type of index you are using by reading this . 阅读this可以清楚了解所使用的索引类型。

I think you have mixed up indexes and index entries . 我认为您混合使用了索引索引条目 An index (perhaps called People in this instance) points to a set of entries, each identified by a key-value pair. 索引 (在本例中可能称为“ People )指向一组条目,每个条目均由键值对标识。 At each entry point, you may reference one or more nodes. 在每个入口点,您可以引用一个或多个节点。 Read more on legacy indexes here . 此处阅读更多有关旧索引的信息

You probably want your code to look more like this: 您可能希望您的代码看起来像这样:

from py2neo import neo4j 
graph_db = neo4j.GraphDatabaseService("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")

# Create a "People" index if one doesn't already exist
people = graph_db.get_or_create_index(neo4j.Node, "People"):

# Create two people nodes if they don't already exist
kiran = people.get_or_create("name", "Kiran", {"name": "Kiran"})
teja = people.get_or_create("name", "Teja", {"name": "Teja"})

# Relate the two
brothers, = graph_db.create((kiran, "BROTHER", teja))

print kiran
print teja
print brothers

This page might help with some of the details in the code as it describes the legacy index functions that you need here. 此页面可能会帮助您处理代码中的一些细节,因为它描述了您在此处需要的旧索引函数。

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