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无法加载文件或程序集“ ActiveUp.Net.Common.dll”或其依赖项之一。 不支持该操作(HRESULT的异常:0x80131515)

[英]Could not load file or assembly 'ActiveUp.Net.Common.dll' or One of its dependencies. Operation is not supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515)

This is the Full error i have: 这是我有的完整错误:

Error: Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\Visual Studio 2013\\Order Capture 2.0 \\Order Capture2.0\\bin\\Release\\ActiveUp.Net.Common.dll' or One of its dependencies. 错误:无法加载文件或程序集“ file:/// C:\\ Users \\ Administrator \\ Documents \\ Visual Studio 2013 \\ Order Capture 2.0 \\ Order Capture2.0 \\ bin \\ Release \\ ActiveUp.Net.Common.dll”或一个它的依赖关系。 Operation is not supported. 不支持该操作。 (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131515 (来自HRESULT的异常:0x80131515

I've Tried: 我试过了:

  1. Clean up Solution. 清理解决方案。 - Not Working. -不行
  2. Remove ActiveUp.Net.Common.dll Reference and Add New One. 删除ActiveUp.Net.Common.dll参考并添​​加一个新的。 - Not Working. -不行
  3. Remove File in C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\Temporary ASP.NET Files 删除C:\\ Windows \\ Microsoft.NET \\ Framework64 \\ v4.0.30319 \\ Temporary ASP.NET文件中的文件
    • Not Working. 无法运作。
  4. Download MailSystem.Net unzip and copy ActiveUp.Net.Common.dll paste to C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\ hoping it may work -Not Working. 下载MailSystem.Net解压缩文件,然后将ActiveUp.Net.Common.dll粘贴复制到C:\\ Windows \\ Microsoft.NET \\ Framework64 \\ v4.0.30319 \\,希望它可以正常工作-不工作。
  5. Try Renew Webservice Reference Url since it's Connected to a Xamp php passing data's 尝试续订Webservice Reference Url,因为它已连接到传递数据的Xamp php
    • Not Working. 无法运作。

what are the other possible things i could do to fix this problem..? 我还可以采取其他哪些措施来解决此问题?


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