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Puppet VCSRepo SVN仅签出一次或如果存储库更新

[英]Puppet VCSRepo SVN checkout only once or if repository updates

So i have a module in which I use vcsrepo to checkout repository. 所以我有一个模块,其中使用vcsrepo签出存储库。 But the problem is every time puppet runs it checkout the repository and it takes too long to finish which is annoying plus it eats up resources on the machine. 但是问题是,每当木偶运行它时,它都会检查存储库,并且完成它花费的时间太长,这很烦人,而且它会占用机器上的资源。

vcsrepo { "/data/www/local_testing/src":
    ensure => present,
    provider => svn,
    owner => 'www-data',
    group => 'www-data',
    source => "svn+ssh://myuser@svnrepourl.com"

So is there a way or condition which I can put so that i can stop it from getting the repo every single time puppet runs or it should only get the files which changed once the repo is setup. 因此,有没有一种方法或条件可供我使用,这样我就可以阻止它在每次运行it时阻止它获取存储库,或者它应该仅获取设置了存储库后已更改的文件。

It will also be fine if it just gets the repo first time puppet runs, after that user can do svn up to keep the repo updated. 如果只是在第一次运行木偶时获得回购协议,那也可以,在该用户可以通过svn保持回购协议更新的情况下。

Possibly you (well, "we" since I just ran into this myself) are using an old version. 可能您(好吧,“我”,因为我刚遇到这个问题)正在使用旧版本。 It looks like this issue is about two years old: https://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/16954 看来此问题已存在大约两年了: https : //projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/16954

Amazing if it's still around, considering the popularity of git and the fact that it's the only VCS provider officially supported by puppet. 考虑到git的流行以及它是puppet官方支持的唯一VCS提供程序的事实,如果它仍然存在,那么令人惊讶。

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