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Angular $ HTTP和Promise

[英]Angular $HTTP and Promise

I can't get my promise inside a HTTP.get function to work. 我无法在HTTP.get函数中工作。 When i try to console.log the output, all i get is the promise function? 当我尝试console.log输出时,我得到的只是promise函数?

I am interested in getting the array of events that my api has provided. 我对获取api提供的事件数组感兴趣。

eventApp.factory('LoadEvents', function($http, $q) {
        var LoadEvents = function() {
            this.events = [];
            this.busy = false;
            this.after = '';

        LoadEvents.prototype.nextPage = function() {
            if (this.busy) return;
            this.busy = true;

             var defer = $q.defer();

             $http.get('URL inserted here').then(function(response){

             this.events = this.events.concat(defer.promise);


This should be a very basic promise, but i can't figure out why i can't recieve the array instead of the whole promise function? 这应该是一个非常基本的承诺,但是我无法弄清楚为什么我不能接收数组而不是整个promise函数?

By the event array (ie this.event ) if you want to mean the promise array then it should be like this 通过事件数组(例如this.event ),如果您想表示promise数组,则应该像这样

this.events = this.events.concat([defer.promise]); or this.events = this.events.push(defer.promise) then use $q.all(this.events).then(...) to get all resolved. this.events = this.events.push(defer.promise)然后使用$q.all(this.events).then(...)获得所有解决方案。

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