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[英]How to split hex byte of an ASCII character

What basically i want to do is 我基本上想做的是

For eg: 'a' hex equivalant is 0x61 , can i split 61 in to 6 and 1 and store them as '6' and '1' ? 例如:'a'hex hexalant是0x61 ,我可以将61分为61并将它们存储为'6''1'吗?

A buffer is receiving data like this: 缓冲区正在接收如下数据:

rx_dataframe.data[0] is H'00,'.'// H' is Hex equivalant and '' is ASCII value
rx_dataframe.data[0] is H'31,'1'
rx_dataframe.data[0] is H'32,'2'
rx_dataframe.data[0] is H'33,'3'

I need to to convert hex values 0x00,0x31,0x32,0x33 in to char value '0','0','3','1','3','2';'3','3' and to store them at the locations of tx_buff_data[]; 我需要将hex values 0x00,0x31,0x32,0x33转换为char值'0','0','3','1','3','2';'3','3'和将它们存储在tx_buff_data[];的位置tx_buff_data[];

I want my tx_buff_data look like this 我希望我的tx_buff_data看起来像这样

tx_buff_data[0] have H'30,'0'
tx_buff_data[1] have H'30,'0'
tx_buff_data[2] have H'33,'3'
tx_buff_data[3] have H'31,'1'
tx_buff_data[4] have H'33,'3'
tx_buff_data[5] have H'32,'2'
tx_buff_data[6] have H'33,'3'
tx_buff_data[7] have H'33,'3'

You can split each byte into two nibbles (4-bit quantities) using bitwise AND + shifts: 您可以使用按位AND +移位将每个字节分成两个半字节(4位数量):

unsigned char lo = byte & 0x0f;
unsigned char hi = (byte >> 4) & 0x0f;

Then, you can convert each half into a hex character by an array lookup (since strings are just character arrays): 然后,您可以通过数组查找将每一半转换为十六进制字符(因为字符串只是字符数组):

char loChar = "0123456789ABCDEF"[lo];
char hiChar = "0123456789ABCDEF"[hi];

Here is a sample program that can be used as a template for your code 这是一个示例程序,可用作代码的模板

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) 
    char in[] = { '\0', '1', '2', '3' };
    char out[2 * sizeof( in )];
    size_t  i;
    char *p;

    p = out;
    for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( in ) / sizeof( *in ); i++ )
        *p = ( ( unsigned char )in[i] & 0xF0 ) >> 4;
        *p +=( *p < 10 ) ? '0' : 'A' - 10;
        *p = ( ( unsigned char )in[i] & 0x0F );
        *p +=( *p < 10 ) ? '0' : 'A' - 10;

    for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( out ) / sizeof( *out ); i++ )
        printf( "%c", out[i] );

    puts( "" );

    return 0;

The output is 输出是


Using the definition of the ASCII characters leads to an extremely time- and code saving solution. 使用ASCII字符的定义可以实现极其节省时间和代码的解决方案。 The ASCII-table shows that ASCII表显示了这一点

values  0... 9 <=> figures '0'...'9' <=> 0x30...0x39 in ASCII code;
values 10...15 <=> figures 'A'...'F' <=> 0x41...0x46 in ASCII code;
                   or      'a'...'f' <=> 0x61...0x66 in ASCII code;

Sometimes lower case letters are used for 'a' to 'f'. 有时小写字母用于'a'到'f'。

So if the value of our nibble is below 10 (0000b to 1001b) the character representation would be 0x30 + n or, in c-syntax '0'+n. 因此,如果我们的半字节的值低于10(0000b到1001b),则字符表示将是0x30 + n,或者在c语法'0'+ n中。
If n is between 10 and 15 (1010b to 1111b) 0x41 + n - 10 or 'A'+n-10. 如果n在10到15(1010b到1111b)0x41 + n - 10或'A'+ n-10之间。
Using unsigned int 8bit instead of type char: 使用unsigned int 8bit而不是char类型:

uint8_t nibble2char( uint8_t n ) {
  // make sure that n e {0x00,...,0x0F}
  if( n<10 ) return '0'+n;
  else       return 'A'+n-10;

or shorter: 或更短:

uint8_t nibble2char( uint8_t n ) {
  // make sure that n e {0x00,...,0x0F}
  return n<10 ? '0'+n : 'A'+n-10;

or as a macro (thanks to chqrlie for the (n) ): 或者作为宏(感谢(n)的chqrlie):

#define NIBBLE_TO_CHAR(n) ((n)<10 ? '0'+(n) : 'A'+(n)0)  // n <= 15 !

If lower case letters should be used replace 'A' by 'a'. 如果使用小写字母,请将'A'替换​​为'a'。

Converting a byte with 2 nibbles to a 2-byte 0-terminated string you could use: 将带有2个半字节的字节转换为2字节的0终止字符串,您可以使用:

void byte2str( uint8_t* s, uint8_t n ) {
  // s points to a string of at least 3 Bytes length !
  uint8_t hi = ( n >> 4 ) & 0x0F ;
  uint8_t lo =   n        & 0x0F ;
  s[0] = NIBBLE_TO_CHAR( hi );      // high byte
  s[1] = NIBBLE_TO_CHAR( lo );      // low byte
  s[2] = 0;

EDIT: 编辑:
With correction of chqrlie to the macro, the function becomes more compact: 通过将chqrlie校正到宏,函数变得更紧凑:

void byte2str( uint8_t* s, uint8_t n ) {
  // s points to a string of at least 3 Bytes length !
  s[0] = NIBBLE_TO_CHAR( ( n >> 4 ) & 0x0F );  // high byte
  s[1] = NIBBLE_TO_CHAR(   n        & 0x0F );  // low byte
  s[2] = 0;

to convert you can do: 转换你可以做:

    uint8_t lo = byte & 0x0F
    uint8_t hi = (byte >> 4) & 0x0F

   char loChar = "0123456789ABCDEF"[lo];
   char hiChar = "0123456789ABCDEF"[hi];
for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < data_input_size; i++, j += 2)
    int value = rx_dataframe.data[i];
    char str[10]; // really only need 3 but extra space in case of bugs
    sprintf(str, "%02X", value);
    tx_buff_data[j] = str[0];
    tx_buff_data[j + 1] = str[1];

You can use sprintf to convert an integer value to a string, from the string you can then extract the individual chars. 您可以使用sprintf将整数值转换为字符串,然后从字符串中提取单个字符。

#include <stdlib.h>

char *str;
sprintf(str, "%02x", 61)
char digitLow = str[0]; // '6'
char dightHigh = str[1]; // '1'

I propose you another variant, doing conversion of a fixed size input, and checking the size of the output: 我建议你另一种变体,转换固定大小的输入,并检查输出的大小:

void convert(char *output, int size_out, char *input, int size_in)
    static char hexdigit[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    while (size_in-- && size_out>2) {   // if not enough space, truncate 
        *output++ = hexdigit[(*input >> 4) & 0x0F];  // because char could be signed
        *output++ = hexdigit[*input & 0x0F];
        size_out -= 2;
    *output++ = '\0';

As it is for a microcontroper, any overhead like sprintf() is avoided. 就像微控制器一样,可以避免任何像sprintf()这样的开销。 You can call it like this: 你可以这样称呼它:

   convert(tx_buff_data, sizeof(tx_buff_data), your_input_buffer, number_of_bytes); 

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