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[英]passing parameter to ember in iframe

What is the best practice to passing parameter to ember.js from another application. 将参数从另一个应用程序传递到ember.js的最佳实践是什么。 For example, I need click on link in main page and pass parameter to ember in iframe. 例如,我需要单击主页上的链接,然后将参数传递给iframe中的ember。 I done it through cookies, and check value in loop, but it's a not good practice. 我是通过Cookie来完成的,并循环检查值,但这不是一个好习惯。

        }, 500);

I would use window.postMessage() and window.on("message") system to connect the two applications. 我将使用window.postMessage()和window.on(“ message”)系统连接两个应用程序。

For example, let's say in your iFrame you have an ember app that can display a widget from collection and in your main app, you have an id selector. 例如,假设您在iFrame中有一个可以显示集合中的小部件的余烬应用程序,而在主应用程序中有一个ID选择器。 Here's how this would work. 这是如何工作的。

In your main app: 在您的主应用程序中:

    App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
        //... other stuff
        actions: {
            showWidget: function () {
                var id = parseInt(this.get("widgetId"), 10),
                    iframe = $("#inner_page")[0];

                    JSON.stringify({ type: "action", args: ["showWidget", id]}),

widgetId is the id you want to pass to iframe (can be tied to a text field, for example). widgetId是您要传递给iframe的ID(例如,可以绑定到文本字段)。 Your iframe would have id "inner_page". 您的iframe的ID为“ inner_page”。 The second argument in the postMessage call is origin, you should look into securing that once you get the communication working. postMessage调用中的第二个参数是origin,一旦通信开始工作,就应该确保其安全。

Code for the iframe app is more interesting: iframe应用程序的代码更有趣:

    $(window).on("message", function(e) {
        var message = JSON.parse(e.originalEvent.data),
            handler = App.messageHandlers[message.type];

        if (!handler) {
            consolw.log("WARNING! Invalid action call!");


    App.messageHandlers = {
        action: function (msg) {
            if (App.activeController) {
                App.activeController.send.apply(App.activeController, msg.args);

    App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
        setupController: function (controller, model) {
            this._super(controller, model);
            App.activeController = controller;

    App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
        actions: {
            showWidget: function (id) {
                // update active widget, load route or whatever

A few notes: 一些注意事项:

  • Our message has a fixed "type" property. 我们的消息具有固定的“类型”属性。 Right now, this is always "action", but it could be useful if you wanted multiple protocols of communication. 现在,这始终是“动作”,但是如果您需要多种通信协议,则可能会很有用。

  • You will need some way to get the active controller or route to which to send the message. 您将需要某种方式来获取活动控制器或将消息发送到的路由。 In this example, I'm caching the active controller every time a new controller set up ( App.activeController ). 在此示例中,每次设置新控制器( App.activeController )时,我都会缓存活动控制器。 If you went with this model, this should probably be implemented as a Route Mixin. 如果使用此模型,则可能应将其实现为Route Mixin。 Not sure how well this will work in a larger application, but it's sufficient for this example. 不确定在大型应用程序中该方法将如何工作,但是对于此示例而言已足够。

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