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[英]Ajax Success data returns complete HTML page

I'm using iFrame class JSP page with Date picker field on it. 我正在使用带日期选择器字段的iFrame类JSP页面。 On selecting a date from the picker, I'm sending the date to the Struts Action using jQuery AJAX call like below: 从选择器中选择日期后,我将使用jQuery AJAX调用将日期发送至Struts Action,如下所示:

$( "#datepickerStart" ).datepicker({
  onSelect: function(dateText, instance) {//date select from picker to trigger
    type: "Post",// post method
    url: 'checkAvailability.do?operation=getlist&datepickerStart='+ ("#datepickerStart").val(), // passing URL with date value to STRUTS Action
    data: "date="+date,
    //dataType: "application/json",
    success: function(data) {
      alert(data); //getting with the complete HTML page

And from DB I'm fetching the results in LIST and converting to JSON object like below: 从数据库中,我正在LIST中获取结果并转换为JSON对象,如下所示:

Gson gson = new Gson();// Using google GSON to convert to JSON
String json = new Gson().toJson(lRList);
response.setContentType("application/json");// setting content type
response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); //setting character encoder
response.getWriter().write(json);// writing to response the JSON object
System.out.println("JSON Object::"+json);

And in standard output gives me the result like this: 在标准输出中,结果如下:

JSON Object::[{"bookDate":"2014-07-11","fromTime":"2:00PM","totime":"3:30PM","userID":"XXX","isSuccess":false},

But the alert in Ajax success gives the complete HTML page :(. I need this data and want to populate the values in the same JSP by showing in a div table. So can anyone help me on this to resolve it and let me know where I'm doing the mistake... 但是Ajax成功的警报提供了完整的HTML页面:(。我需要这些数据,并希望通过在div表中显示来填充同一JSP中的值。因此,任何人都可以帮助我解决该问题,并告诉我在哪里我做错了...

i think you should use get instead of post in the ajax call 我认为您应该使用get而不是ajax调用中的post

    $( "#datepickerStart" ).datepicker({
      onSelect: function(dateText, instance) {//date select from picker to trigger
        type: "get",
        url: 'checkAvailability.do?operation=getlist&datepickerStart='+         ("#datepickerStart").val(), // passing URL with date value to STRUTS Action
        data: "date="+date,
        //dataType: "application/json",  
        success: function(data) {
          alert(data); //getting with the complete HTML page

setup AJAX error to get the error like: 设置AJAX错误以获取如下错误:

    error: function(jqXHR, e) {
        var msg = '';
            msg = 'You are offline!!\n Please Check Your Network.';
        }else if(jqXHR.status==404){
            msg = 'Requested URL not found.';
        }else if(jqXHR.status==500){
            msg = 'Internal Server Error.<br/>'+jqXHR.responseText;
        }else if(e=='parsererror'){
            msg = 'Error: Parsing JSON Request failed.';
        }else if(e=='timeout'){
            msg = 'Request Time out.';
        }else {
            msg = 'Unknow Error.<br/>'+x.responseText;

        console.log('error: '+jqXHR.responseText);
        console.log('Error msg: '+msg);     

and then set datatype as json in your AJAX call as your getting response in Json format like: 然后在您的AJAX调用中将数据类型设置为json,作为您获得Json格式的响应,例如:

  onSelect: function(dateText, instance) {
    type: "post",
    url: 'checkAvailability.do?operation=getlist&datepickerStart='+$("#datepickerStart").val(),
    data: "date="+date,
    dataType: 'json',
    success: function(data) {

also you were forgot to put $ starting of ("#datepickerStart").val() 你也忘了把$开始的("#datepickerStart").val()

for further reference checkout my app 以供进一步参考结帐我的应用程序

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