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[英]Rails belongs_to relationship not working

Currently I am having issues with the belongs_to relationship between my Page model and my Companies model. 目前,我的页面模型和公司模型之间的belongs_to关系存在问题。

I receive the following error message when I am on the Page show.erb.html and I am accessing @page.company.id: undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass 当我在页面show.erb.html上并且访问@ page.company.id时,我收到以下错误消息:nil:NilClass的未定义方法'id'

This error message with and without the attr_accessor method in the companies model. 在公司模型中带有和不带有attr_accessor方法的此错误消息。

Page Model: 页面模型:

class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :company

Company Model: 公司型号:

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
    attr_accessor :id, :name
    has_many :pages


Companies Migration: 公司迁移:

class CreateCompanies < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :companies do |t|
      t.string :name


Pages migration: 页面迁移:

class CreatePages < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :pages do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.references :companies, index: true


As a page has a single company, your page migration should use: 由于页面只有一家公司,因此页面迁移应使用:

t.references :company, index: true

(singular) instead of :companies (plural). (单数),而不是:companies(复数)。 This should allow rails to populate it properly. 这应该允许导轨正确地填充它。

Associations 协会

As Rails is designed to run on a relational database stack, you have to appreciate the role of this structure plays in defining & creating the ActiveRecord associations in your models. 由于Rails旨在在关系数据库堆栈上运行,因此您必须了解此结构在定义和创建模型中的ActiveRecord关联中所扮演的角色。

To give you some ideas - ActiveRecord is actually something known as an "ORM" (Object Relationship Mapper) - meaning that it will manage the relationships between "objects" in your app. 为了给您一些想法-ActiveRecord实际上是一个称为“ ORM”(对象关系映射器)的东西 -这意味着它将管理您应用程序中“对象”之间的关系 As Rails, by virtue of being built on top of Ruby, is object orientated , ActiveRecord plays an integral role in managing the relationships between your objects 由于Rails通过基于Ruby构建,因此是面向对象的 ,因此ActiveRecord在管理对象之间的关系方面起着不可或缺的作用

The problem you're referring to is how to construct these relationships correctly: 您要指的问题是如何正确构建这些关系:

Models 楷模

The answer to your question is: 您的问题的答案是:

Class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
   #fields id | company_id | other | attributes | created_at | updated_at
   belongs_to :company

Class Company < ActiveRecord::Base
   #fields id | title | other | page | attributes | created_at | updated_at
   has_many :pages

To demonstrate what the tables should look like, you can use this Rails documentation : 为了演示表格的外观,可以使用以下Rails文档


This means that in reference to your question, you can either use Martin 's answer, or just add the company_id column manually (we do that): 这意味着,参考您的问题,您可以使用Martin的答案,也可以手动添加company_id列(我们可以这样做):

class CreatePages < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :pages do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.string :company_id

Datatables 数据表

Some other information information you should know: 您应该知道的其他一些信息:

  1. Rails builds your associations with foreign_keys - whenever you create a "relationship" in your Models, all it does it trigger ActiveRecord to identify the foreign_key for the association: Rails用foreign_keys建立关联-每当在模型中创建“ relationship”时,它都会触发ActiveRecord来识别关联的foreign_key


  1. Finally, you also need to appreciate that the identification of "records" in a datatable is determined by the primary key it has. 最后,您还需要了解,数据表中“记录”的标识由它具有的primary key确定。 Every time you load an object in Rails, it's actually looking into the database for the corresponding id it has 每次在Rails中加载对象时,它实际上是在数据库中寻找它具有的对应id

This means if you wish to identify records in Rails, you need to make sure they have a primary key in the database 这意味着,如果您希望在Rails中标识记录,则需要确保它们在数据库中具有primary key

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