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[英]How to grant a regular user limited adminsdk access for a google app script?

可以让普通用户使用Google App脚本访问AdminDirectory.Members.List()函数,而无需使其成为管理员吗?

It depends on how it's used. 这取决于它的使用方式。 You can deploy your script as a web application, executed as yourself and give access to people people within your own domain. 您可以将脚本部署为Web应用程序,以您自己的身份执行,并向您自己域内的人员授予访问权限。

You could set restriction to particular people within your own domain by using Session.getActiveUser() to determine who is accessing it. 您可以使用Session.getActiveUser()确定谁在访问您的域,从而对您自己域中的特定人员设置限制。 This won't work unless the user is a part of your own GApps domain. 除非用户是您自己的GApps域的一部分,否则这将无法工作。

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