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[英]JQuery: can I submit values from inputs that aren't in a form?

Simple as that: I have some inputs that are rendered inside another form element, but I want to submit then individually. 就这么简单:我有一些输入呈现在另一个表单元素中,但是我想分别提交。

I tried "serializing" the div that contains them, but it didn't work. 我尝试“序列化”包含它们的div,但是没有用。 Is there an easy way to do this? 是否有捷径可寻?

My code: 我的代码:

var form = $("#my_div");
var get_data = $(form).serialize();  /* Get #my_div inputs value */
$.get(self.url_form_rendering, get_data,
function (data){
    /* handle server response */

Serialize returns "", any ideas that don't involve redesigning the layout to avoid form nesting? 序列化返回“”,是否有不涉及重新设计布局以避免表单嵌套的想法?

Do it by building get_data as an object: 通过将get_data构建为一个对象来实现:

var get_data = {
    field1: $("#field1").val(),
    field2: $("#field2").val(),

You can use the above for just the extra elements. 您可以将以上内容仅用于其他元素。 For the form, you can add them with a loop: 对于表单,可以添加一个循环:

$("#formid :input").each(function() {
    get_data[this.name] = this.value;

You could also give the elements outside the form a class, and select them and iterate similarly. 您还可以给表单外部的元素一个类,然后选择它们并类似地进行迭代。


$('#my_div *').serialize();

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