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[英]Installation of cider-nrepl

I've installed CIDER 0.7.0 and now when I start it inside of Emacs (via Mx cider-jack-in RET ), I get the following warning: 我已经安装了CIDER 0.7.0,现在当我在Emacs中启动它时(通过Mx cider-jack-in RET ),我收到以下警告:

WARNING: CIDER's version (0.7.0) does not match cider-nrepl's version (not installed) 警告:CIDER的版本(0.7.0)与cider-nrepl的版本(未安装)不匹配

I've downloaded cider-nrepl and found out that it consists of closure code, not emacs lisp code. 我已经下载了cider-nrepl ,发现它包含闭包代码,而不是emacs lisp代码。 Since I've started exploring Clojure world just today, and there is no installation instructions on the project page, could you tell me how can I install cider-nrepl? 自从我今天开始探索Clojure世界,并且项目页面上没有安装说明,你能告诉我如何安装cider-nrepl?

You need to put it into lein project.clj or into global lein configuration. 你需要将它放入lein project.clj或全局lein配置中。 Excerpt from official documentation : 摘自官方文件

Use the convenient plugin for defaults, either in your project's project.clj file or in the :user profile in ~/.lein/profiles.clj. 使用方便的默认插件,可以在项目的project.clj文件中,也可以在〜/ .lein / profiles.clj中的:user profile中使用。

:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.7.0"]]

A minimal profiles.clj for CIDER would be: CIDER的最小profiles.clj将是:

{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.7.0"]]}}

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