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[英]R most rapid way conditional selections

is there a faster way for fast conditional selections? 有没有更快的方法来进行快速条件选择? Maybe better to transform the data.frame into another type? 也许将data.frame转换为另一种类型更好? In this test version I have ~700k rows but could be millions? 在此测试版本中,我有约70万行,但可能有几百万行?

I'm wondering about the benchmarks , because everything is in memory. 我想知道基准,因为一切都在内存中。 Alternative might be via db with some extra work (ddl,indexing). 另一种选择是通过db进行一些额外的工作(ddl,索引)。

> str(df.test)
'data.frame':   694118 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ uid  : chr  "ZyVOZrPOXwkuGSPv" "qBwuxhbrszRcISSRmIlYaQXHRUZE" "azCESULsUinrAeFkGIjEZpOLhrJcnB" "yLXPfpGlnLrtKmCRERj" ...
 $ g1   : chr  "group_70" "group_85" "group_150" "group_32" ...
 $ g2   : chr  "D" "A" "A" "C" ...
 $ value: num  0.7756 0.1389 0.8924 0.2278 0.0709 ...
> df.test[200,]
              uid      g1 g2 value
200 appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh group_2  E 0.604
> benchmark(replications = 100,df.test[(df.test$uid=='appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh') & 
+                                            (df.test$g1 == 'group_2') & 
+                                            (df.test$g2 == 'E'),'value'])
                                                          test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 df.test[(df.test$uid == "appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh") & (df.test$g1 == "group_2") & (df.test$g2 == "E"), "value"]          100   10.72        1    10.713    0.007          0         0
> benchmark(replications = 100,subset(df.test,uid=='appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh' & g1 == 'group_2' & g2== 'E' ))
                                           test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 subset(df.test, uid == "appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh" & g1 == "group_2" & g2 == "E")          100  18.987        1    18.993        0          0         0
> library(data.table)          
> dt.test <- data.table(df.test)
> benchmark(replications = 100,dt.test[(uid=='appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh') & 
+                                       (g1 == 'group_2') & 
+                                       (g2 == 'E'),value])
                                            test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 dt.test[(uid == "appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh") & (g1 == "group_2") & (g2 == "E"), value]          100  10.376        1    10.374    0.002          0         0
> setkey(dt.test,uid,g1,g2)
> #rm(dt.test)                     
> benchmark(replications = 100,dt.test[(uid=='appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh') & 
+                                       (g1 == 'group_2') & 
+                                       (g2 == 'E'),value])
                                            test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 dt.test[(uid == "appoBThmLxqFTyjFWyAqzsyJh") & (g1 == "group_2") & (g2 == "E"), value]          100  13.244        1    13.261        0          0         0

You aren't really making use of "data.table" efficiently in your attempts. 您在尝试中并没有真正有效地利用“ data.table”。 For instance, after setting the key , you should consider using J in "data.table". 例如,设置key ,您应该考虑在“ data.table”中使用J

Here, I've recreated some sample data to play with (sharing some sample data makes it much easier for others to answer such questions) and I've created some functions to benchmark with. 在这里,我重新创建了一些示例数据(共享一些示例数据可以使其他人更轻松地回答此类问题),并且创建了一些函数进行基准测试。

Here's the sample data. 这是示例数据。 Change " n " if you want to experiment with different sizes of datasets: 如果要尝试使用不同大小的数据集,请更改“ n ”:

library(stringi) ## for generating random strings
uid <- stri_rand_strings(10000, 5)
g1 <- paste0("g", 1:1000)
g2 <- c(letters, LETTERS)
n <- 1000000
df.test <- data.frame(
  uid = sample(uid, n, TRUE),
  g1 = sample(g1, n, TRUE),
  g2 = sample(g2, n, TRUE),
  value = rnorm(n)

df.test[200, ] ## The 200th row

Here are the attempts you had made: 这是您所做的尝试:

f1 <- function(a1 = "wzd3u", a2 = "g215", a3 = "x") {
  df.test[(df.test$uid == a1) & (df.test$g1 == a2) & (df.test$g2 == a3), ]
f2 <- function(a1 = "wzd3u", a2 = "g215", a3 = "x") {
  subset(df.test, uid == a1 & g1 == a2 & g2 == a3)

dt.test <- data.table(df.test)
dt.test.keyed <- copy(dt.test)
setkey(dt.test.keyed, uid, g1, g2)

f3 <- function(a1 = "wzd3u", a2 = "g215", a3 = "x") {
  dt.test[uid == a1 & g1 == a2 & g2 == a3]

f4 <- function(a1 = "wzd3u", a2 = "g215", a3 = "x") {
  dt.test.keyed[uid == a1 & g1 == a2 & g2 == a3]

Here is one more with "data.table" and one with "dplyr": 这是另一个带有“ data.table”的名字,另一个带有“ dplyr”的名字:

f5 <- function(a1 = "wzd3u", a2 = "g215", a3 = "x") {
  dt.test.keyed[J(a1, a2, a3)]

f6 <- function(a1 = "wzd3u", a2 = "g215", a3 = "x") {
  filter(df.test, uid == a1 & g1 == a2 & g2 == a3)

And, here are the results: 并且,结果如下:

out <- microbenchmark(f1(), f2(), f3(), f4(), f5(), f6())
# Unit: milliseconds
#  expr        min         lq       mean     median         uq       max neval
#  f1() 315.560939 327.623885 340.639557 335.504160 342.442239 403.29851   100
#  f2() 333.233436 350.439403 362.876115 356.168562 366.324454 440.86664   100
#  f3() 227.923877 237.390578 249.932411 241.037701 246.196354 329.29018   100
#  f4() 222.598481 232.748170 242.396059 237.787355 243.125148 302.71212   100
#  f5()   1.606372   1.931555   2.602466   2.083269   2.367882  12.00145   100
#  f6() 233.259460 243.932592 255.202134 249.279015 257.420772 329.48901   100

boxplot(out) ## That's a log scale there....


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