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[英]Oozie workflow.xml error

I am really new to the hadoop eco system and I have been trying to co ordinate and execute a basic pig job via Oozie. 我对hadoop生态系统真的很陌生,我一直在尝试通过Oozie协调和执行基本的养猪工作。

I get the following error when I try to validate my workflow.xml file. 当我尝试验证我的workflow.xml文件时,出现以下错误。

Error: 错误:

Invalid app definition, org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; 无效的应用程序定义org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 32; lineNumber:32; columnNumber: 16; columnNumber:16; cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element 'workflow-app' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type is element-only. cvc-complex-type.2.3:元素“ workflow-app”不能包含字符[children],因为该类型的内容类型仅是元素。

Here is my workflow.xml file for your reference. 这是我的workflow.xml文件供您参考。

  1 <workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.2" name="log-wf">
  2 <start to="pig-node"/>
  4 <action name="pig-node">
  5     <pig>
  6         <job-tracker>${jobTracker}</job-tracker>
  7         <name-node>${namenode}</name-node>
  8         <prepare>
  9             <delete path="${nameNode}/user/${appRoot}/pigOutput"/>
 10         </prepare>
 11         <configuration>
 12             <property>
 13                 <name>mapred.job.queue.name</name>
 14                 <value>${queueName}</value>
 15             </property>
 16             <property>
 17                 <name>mapred.compress.map.output</name>
 18                 <value>true</value>
 19             </property>
 20         </configuration>
 21         <script>script.pig</script>
 22         <param>piginput=/user/${appRoot}/clean.log</param>
 23         <param>pigoutput=/user/${appRoot}/pigOutput</param>
 24     </pig>
 25     <ok to="end"/>
 26     <error to="fail"/>
 27 </action>
 31  <end name="end"/>
 32 </workflow-app>

I do not understand which element inside the workflow tag is causing the error since there is no 16th column on the 32nd line. 我不知道工作流标签内的哪个元素导致了错误,因为第32行上没有第16列。 Do you guys have any suggestions on this? 你们对此有什么建议吗?

It is common to xml files but it's not formatting by itself, just some symbols that are not parsed as whitespace. 这对于xml文件是很常见的,但它本身不是格式化的,只是一些未解析为空格的符号。 Review the original workflow file to see what's wrong with it. 查看原始工作流程文件以查看问题所在。 But in general you can keep your xml files formatted, it's just a matter of having a decent editor :) . 但总的来说,您可以保持xml文件的格式,这只是拥有一个像样的编辑器:)的问题。 – @patrungel – @patrungel

Thanks for your response. 感谢您的答复。

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