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[英]How to check if a request has post data in a Total.js controller

I want a solution to keep view and post actions on the same function, by verifying if the user submited some data. 我想要一种解决方案,通过验证用户是否提交了一些数据来保持对同一功能的查看和发布操作。

My total.js controller is like this 我的total.js控制器就是这样

# framework
exports.install = (framework) ->
  framework.route "/subscribe", subscribe
  framework.route "/subscribe", subscribe, ['post']

# subscribe form and action
subscribe = ->
  self = this
  post = self.post

  if post
    Subscriber = self.model('subscriber')
    Subscriber.save post

  self.view "form"

The problem is that post is {} when I'm just viewing the page (not submiting data), so it always enter on if . 问题是当我仅查看页面(不提交数据)时, post{} ,因此它总是在if输入。

If I compare to {} ( if post isnt {} ) the condition is always false, probably because self.post is not an empty object. 如果我与{}if post isnt {} )进行比较, if post isnt {}该条件始终为false,可能是因为self.post不是一个空对象。

[update] [更新]

  • When viewing the page: 查看页面时:

     console.log post #logs {} 
  • When submiting the form: 提交表格时:

     console.log post #logs { type: 1, email: "email@example.com" } 

You don't clearly understand is / isnt . 您不清楚is / isnt Look at that example: 看那个例子:

coffee> {} is {}

Surprising ? 令人惊讶吗? Not if you know the is test is two variable references the same object. 如果您知道is测试不是两个变量引用同一对象, is不是这样。 Not identical . 一样 Really the same object: 确实是同一对象:

coffee> obj1 = {}
coffee> obj2 = obj1
coffee> obj1 is obj2

You might then go to == in order to test for equivalence . 然后,您可以转到==以测试等效性 But: 但:

coffee> {} == {}

Unfortunately, JavaScript does not provide a easy way to test for object equality . 不幸的是, JavaScript没有提供一种简单的方法来测试对象是否相等

In you case, you should resort on some trick. 在这种情况下,您应该采取一些技巧。 Like: 喜欢:

if (i for i in post).length == 0

Or maybe check for the presence of some key field: 或者,也许检查某些关键字段的存在:

if 'type' not of post

Simple checking: 简单检查:

function some_action_in_controller() {
    var self = this;
    // self.body is same as self.post
    var isEmpty = Object.keys(self.body).length === 0);
    self.json({ result: isEmpty }); 

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