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[英]SprouteCore with WebSockets

I'm new to Sproutcore but want to use that framework for building my web application that connects to a WebSocket server to send/receive serialized protobuf binary messages. 我是Sproutcore的新手,但想使用该框架来构建连接到WebSocket服务器的Web应用程序,以发送/接收序列化的protobuf二进制消息。

Now I want to know how to configure the datasource in Sproutcore to fetch/commit data to the websocket. 现在,我想知道如何在Sproutcore中配置数据源以将数据提取/提交到Websocket。 If anyone has tried something similar, please share. 如果有人尝试过类似的操作,请分享。

Appreciate your help !! 感谢您的帮助 !!

Thanks 谢谢

I recently created an open-source project to do this with Firebase . 我最近创建了一个开源项目来使用Firebase进行此操作。

Basically, you need to create your DataSource and override the fetch , retrieveRecords and commitRecords methods. 基本上,您需要创建DataSource并覆盖fetchretrieveRecordscommitRecords方法。

Below is how I did it with Firebase, but you'll definitely need to make modifications to use websockets. 以下是我如何使用Firebase进行的操作,但是您肯定需要进行修改才能使用websocket。

You may also want to checkout the Thoth project. 您可能还想签出Thoth项目。 It hasn't been updated in a while, but it has quite a bit of code dealing with Socket.IO. 它已经有一段时间没有更新了,但是它有很多处理Socket.IO的代码。


FireCore.DataSource = SC.DataSource.extend({

  _createdIdsToIgnore: [],

  firebaseApp: null,

  firebase: function() {
    var app = this.get('firebaseApp');

    return new Firebase('https://%@.firebaseio.com/'.fmt(app));

  fetch: function(store, query) {
    var firebase = this.get('firebase'),
        self = this,
        record, type, name, ref, hash, id;

    type = query.get('recordType');
    name = self.firebaseReferenceNameFor(type);
    ref = firebase.child(name);

     * Detach any existing observers

     * Attach our new observers
    ref.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
      self.invokeNext(function() {
        var id = snapshot.name(),
            hash = self.cleanObject(snapshot.val());

         * Make sure we don't add a record that was
         * just, or is about to be, added by a call
         * to commitRecords.
        if (self._createdIdsToIgnore.contains(id)) {
        } else {
          store.loadRecord(type, hash, id);

    ref.on('child_changed', function(snapshot) {
      self.invokeNext(function() {
        var id = snapshot.name(),
            hash = self.cleanObject(snapshot.val());

        store.pushRetrieve(type, id, hash);

    ref.on('child_removed', function(snapshot) {
      self.invokeNext(function() {
        var id = snapshot.name();

        store.pushDestroy(type, id);

    return YES;

  retrieveRecords: function(store, keys) {
    var firebase = this.get('firebase'),
        self = this,
        type, name, id, hash, status, ref;

    keys.forEach(function(key, index) {
      type = store.recordTypeFor(key);
      name = self.firebaseReferenceNameFor(type);
      id = store.idFor(key);
      ref = firebase.child(name).child(id);

      ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {
        hash = self.cleanObject(snapshot.val());
        status = store.readStatus(key);

        SC.run(function() {
          if (status == SC.Record.BUSY_LOADING) {
            store.dataSourceDidComplete(key, hash, id);
          } else {
            store.pushRetrieve(type, id, hash);

    return YES;

  commitRecords: function(store, createKeys, updateKeys, destroyKeys, params) {
    var firebase = this.get('firebase'),
        self = this,
        type, name, hash, ref, newRef, id;

    createKeys.forEach(function(key) {
      type = store.recordTypeFor(key);
      name = self.firebaseReferenceNameFor(type);
      hash = self.cleanObject(store.readDataHash(key));
      ref = firebase.child(name);

      // Allow the user to specify an ID (TODO: check the primaryKey field)
      if (hash.guid) {
        newRef = ref.child(hash.guid);
        id = hash.guid;
      } else {
        newRef = ref.push();
        id = newRef.name();

      // Ignore this ID in child_added calls so
      // we don't add it twice

      // Save the data to firebase

      // Then notify the store
      SC.run(function() { store.dataSourceDidComplete(key, hash, id); });

    updateKeys.forEach(function(key) {
      type = store.recordTypeFor(key);
      name = self.firebaseReferenceNameFor(type);
      hash = self.cleanObject(store.readDataHash(key));
      id = store.idFor(key);
      ref = firebase.child(name).child(id);

      SC.run(function() { store.dataSourceDidComplete(key, hash, id); });

    destroyKeys.forEach(function(key) {
      type = store.recordTypeFor(key);
      id = store.idFor(key);
      name = self.firebaseReferenceNameFor(type);
      ref = firebase.child(name).child(id);

      SC.run(function() { store.dataSourceDidDestroy(key); });

  firebaseReferenceNameFor: function(type) {
    return (type.toString().split('.')[1]).decamelize().pluralize();

  scTypeNameFromSnapshot: function(snapshot) {
    return snapshot.ref().path.m[0].camelize().singularize();

  cleanObject: function(object) {
    var self = this,
        type = SC.typeOf(object),
        cleaned = null, key, i, j, tmp;

    if (type == SC.T_OBJECT || type == SC.T_HASH) {
      cleaned = {};

      for (key in object) {
        if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) && !key.match(/^_/)) {
          cleaned[key] = self.cleanObject(object[key]);
    } else if (type == SC.T_ARRAY) {
      cleaned = [];

      for (i = 0, j = 0; i < object.length; i++) {
        tmp = self.cleanObject(object[i]);

        if (tmp) {
          cleaned[j] = tmp;
    } else if (type == SC.T_FUNCTION) {
      // Do nothing, assume that functions should be ignored
    } else {
      cleaned = object;

    return cleaned;

  _scheduleRunLoopTimer: null,
  scheduleRunLoop: function() {
    var self = this;

    if (!this._scheduleRunLoopTimer) {
      this._scheduleRunLoopTimer = SC.Timer.schedule({
        target: self,
        action: '_endRunLoop',
        interval: 100

  _endRunLoop: function() {
    SC.RunLoop.begin(); SC.RunLoop.end();
    this._scheduleRunLoopTimer = null;


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