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[英]Fragment recreation before activity.onServiceConnected gives me a NPE

One of my fragments have a listview that gets his adapter from my service at beggining of the fragment lifecycle. 我的一个片段具有一个列表视图,该片段列表开始时会从我的服务中获取他的适配器。 On normal lifecycle it goes without problems, but when i rotate the device, the fragment that was showing is recreated even before activity recreation, thus my service instance on activity is not ready, it is only ready after onServiceConnected(). 在正常的生命周期中,它没有问题,但是当我旋转设备时,显示的片段甚至在活动重新创建之前就被重新创建,因此我在活动上的服务实例尚未准备好,仅在onServiceConnected()之后才准备就绪。 Even if i try to recover and set this adapter in fragment.onResume(), there are no guarantees the service is already binded. 即使我尝试恢复并在fragment.onResume()中设置此适配器,也无法保证该服务已被绑定。 In my code, i handle to add the fragments after orientation change (after onServiceConnected()) but the fragment lifecycle dont respects this order. 在我的代码中,我负责在方向更改后(在onServiceConnected()之后)添加片段,但是片段生命周期不遵守此顺序。 Why the fragment is recreated before activity? 为什么在活动之前重新创建片段?

What should i do? 我该怎么办?

Activity: 活动:

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    actionBar = getSupportActionBar();
    drawerlayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(R.id.drawer_layout);

    Intent it = new Intent(this, MyService.class);

    if (!MyService.RUNNING) {


    bindService(it, this, 0);


public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder binderservice) {
    Crashlytics.log(Log.INFO, TAG_ACTIVITY_LIFECYCLE,
            "Activity onServiceConnected");
    LocalBinder binder = (LocalBinder) binderservice;
    this.service = binder.getService();

    //load a fragment with a radio player

    if (!service.isIRCConnected()) {

    // load a fragment to login on a chat

    } else {

   // load fragments according to the chat
   // variables on the service when service was already
   // running before activity creation.





Fragment instances are kept or saved even if the activity is destroyed. 即使活动被销毁,片段实例也会保留或保存。 This is how I solved a similar problem by adding a OnGlobalLayoutListener in my activity onCreate . 这就是我通过在活动onCreate添加OnGlobalLayoutListener来解决类似问题的方式。 Your problem might be a little different so you could bind the service in onGlobalLayout and when onServiceConnected is called, your fragments should be ready to use. 你的问题可能会有点不同,所以你可以绑定在服务onGlobalLayoutonServiceConnected被调用时,你的片段应该是随时可以使用。

viewPager.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
        public void onGlobalLayout() {

            Log.d("Activity", "onGlobalLayout");

            if ( musicService != null)

    } );

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