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[英]Can anyone explain this code for me?

public int sumOfDigits(int num){
   return num == 0 ? 0 : num % 10 + sumOfDigits(num/10);


sumOfDigits is a method which accepts int argument and the return type is also int. sumOfDigits是一种接受int参数并且返回类型也是int的方法。 If 0 is passed then it will return 0 other wise it will return num % 10 + sumOfDigits(num/10) 如果传递了0,则它将返回0,否则将返回num % 10 + sumOfDigits(num/10)

If a number other than 0 is passed this will continue as long as entered number becomes 0 如果传递了非0的数字,则只要输入的数字变为0,该数字就会继续

return num == 0 ? 0 : num % 10 + sumOfDigits(num/10);

Is equivalent to: 等效于:

 return 0;
 return num % 10 + sumOfDigits(num/10); // this is recursive call. It gets called until num is reduce to 0

This basically calulates as following: 基本上计算如下:
If num=768 result= 7+6+8 . 如果num=768 result = 7+6+8

That is the Java ternary operator. 那是Java三元运算符。 It is similar to ternary operators in other languages. 它类似于其他语言中的三元运算符。 In this case: 在这种情况下:

return <boolean expression> ? <if true> : <if false>;

You have posted a recursive algorithm to calculate the sum of digits in an integer. 您已经发布了一个递归算法来计算整数中的数字之和。

Two equivalent methods are posted below: 下面发布了两种等效的方法:

public int sumOfDigitsIf(int num) { 
    if (num == 0) { 
        return 0; 
    } else {
        return num % 10 + sumOfDigitsIf(num / 10);

public int sumOfDigitsLoop(int num) {  // useful to examine if you aren't used to recursive algorithms
    int value = 0; 
    while (num > 0) { 
        value += num % 10;
        num /= 10;
    return value;

This function calculates the sum of the digits of the number recursively. 此函数递归计算数字的总和。 First, if the number is 0, it returns 0, as the sum of the digits of 0 is 0. Then, it calculates the digit in the 1s place with num % 10, and adds that to the sum of the digits of the remaining places, num / 10 is the remaining places, and it calls sumOfDigits() on that number. 首先,如果数字为0,则返回0,因为0的数字之和为0。然后,它计算num%为10的1s位置的数字,并将其加到其余数字的总和中个位,num / 10是剩余的位,它在该数字上调用sumOfDigits()。

This method calculates sum of the numbers representing base 10 integer numbers. 此方法计算代表以10为基的整数的数字之和。 The method is called recursively with % operator to separate digits in the number and then add them to form the result. 用%运算符递归调用该方法以分离数字中的数字,然后将它们相加以形成结果。

Eg - 234 into 2 + 3 + 4 = 9 例如-234成2 + 3 + 4 = 9

However, if you pass a integer in base other than base 10, the method still gives the result for base 10 但是,如果在以10为底的底数中传递整数,则该方法仍会以10为底数给出结果

Eg sumOfDigits(0b1011010) -> answer is 9 for 90 in base 10 sumOfDigits(0x532) -> answer is 7 for 1330 in base 10 例如sumOfDigits(0b1011010) ->答案是9以10为基数sumOfDigits(0x532) ->答案是7以sumOfDigits(0x532)为基数

Following is the change for binary and octal values to get the sum of the representing numbers 以下是对二进制和八进制值的更改,以获取代表数字的总和

return num == 0 ? 0 : num % 2 + sumOfDigits(num / 2);

return num == 0 ? 0 : num % 8 + sumOfDigits(num / 8);

That's a Java ternary operator, but in most cases it is not used since if-else statements are much more readable, which can also do the same function ternary operators can do. 那是Java三元运算符,但是在大多数情况下,由于if-else语句更具可读性,因此不使用它,它也可以执行三元运算符可以执行的相同功能。 But if you would like to make shorter code lines, then this is preferred. 但是,如果您想使代码行更短,那么这是首选。

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