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具有2个域的Rails应用程序:在initializers / devise.rb和environment / development.rb中定义2个SMTP?

[英]Rails app with 2 domains: Define 2 SMTP's in initializers/devise.rb & environments/development.rb?

I have a Rails app that handles two domains. 我有一个处理两个域的Rails应用程序。 The app is set up like described in this blogpost . 该应用程序的设置如本博客文章中所述 In my controllers and views I am using request.domain to determine which app a visitor visits. 在我的控制器和视图中,我正在使用request.domain来确定访问者访问哪个应用程序。

When someone signs up for an account, Devise sends out a confirmation email. 当有人注册帐户时,Devise会发送一封确认电子邮件。 This process depends on the following lines: 此过程取决于以下几行:

# config/environments/development.rb

MyApp::Application.configure do
  config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
    :address              => "smtp.gmail.com",
    :port                 => 587,
    :domain               => 'localhost',
    :user_name            => 'my@email.com',
    :password             => 'MyPassword',
    :authentication       => 'plain',
    :enable_starttls_auto => true

# config/initializers/devise.rb

Devise.setup do |config|
  # ==> Mailer Configuration
  # Configure the e-mail address which will be shown in Devise::Mailer,
  # note that it will be overwritten if you use your own mailer class with default "from" parameter.
  config.mailer_sender = "my@email.com"

I need the :username in development.rb and the config.mailer_sender in devise.rb to depend on request.domain , because the user should of course receive an email from the domain he signs up for. 我需要development.rb:usernameconfig.mailer_sender中的devise.rb依赖于request.domain ,因为用户当然应该从他注册的域中接收电子邮件。

I use SiteSetting model to specify different mailboxes for each Site 我使用SiteSetting模型为每个Site指定不同的邮箱
SiteSetting contains configs for each mailboxes. SiteSetting包含每个邮箱的配置。
A code for mailer is: 邮件程序的代码是:

# app/mailers/invitation_mailer.rb
class InvitationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
  def invitation(invitation)
    @site = invitation.site
    @invitation = invitation
    email_settings = @site.email_settings.first

    mail(to: invitation.email,
         from: email_settings.try(:from) || 'notifier@example.com',
         subject: "Invitation",
         delivery_method_options: delivery_options(email_settings))

    def delivery_options(email_settings)
       @_delivery_options ||= 
         if email_settings
             address:              email_settings.address,
             port:                 email_settings.port,
             domain:               email_settings.domain,
             user_name:            email_settings.user_name,
             password:             email_settings.password,
             authentication:       email_settings.authentication,
             enable_starttls_auto: email_settings.enable_startls_auto
             address:              'smtp.google.com',
             port:                 587,
             domain:               'example.com',
             user_name:            'notifier@example.com',
             password:             'secret',
             authentication:       'plain',
             enable_starttls_auto: true


Update 更新资料

You can pass username like invitation in this examle and then you can get acsess to username in your Mailer class (for example InvitationMailer ) 你可以通过username类似invitation在此examle,然后你可以得到acsess到usernameMailer类(例如InvitationMailer

# app/controller/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
  def invitation
    invitation = Invitation.find(params[:invitation_id])


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