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[英]Codeigniter how can I make this route work

I've looked around in the documentation and a few other places and I am not sure how to achieve the results I want. 我在文档中和其他一些地方四处查看,但不确定如何获得所需的结果。 I have a domain name set up that will only server public profile pages to visitor. 我设置了一个域名,该域名仅将公共配置文件页面提供给访问者。 When someone comes straight to the site I want it to display a welcome screen telling more about what the website is about. 当有人直接访问该网站时,我希望它显示一个欢迎屏幕,告诉您有关该网站的更多信息。 (example.com) When someone visits example.com/my-public-page I want it to run a default controller that grabs the 'my-public-page from the url, searches the database for a user with that info in a column and displays their info. (example.com)当某人访问example.com/my-public-page时,我希望它运行一个默认控制器,该控制器从URL中获取“ my-public-page”,然后在数据库中搜索具有该信息的用户并显示其信息。

I would image that I just set the default_controller to my controller and then check for a second string in the url. 我会想像一下,我只是将default_controller设置为控制器,然后在url中检查第二个字符串。 If its present search for that in the database. 如果其当前在数据库中搜索。 After looking around I am not sure how to make this work and not sure what to search for to get the results I need. 环顾四周后,我不确定如何使它工作,也不确定要搜索什么才能获得所需的结果。

Thanks for your help, 谢谢你的帮助,

After defining an encryption key for sessions in config.php you can use something like this: 在config.php中为会话定义加密密钥后,您可以使用以下代码:

   class Wellcome extends CI_Controller {

    public function __construct() { 
        $this -> load -> library('session');
        if(!$this->session->userdata('visit_time')) {
        $this->session->set_userdata('visit_time', time());


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