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[英]Initializing struct seg fault

I'm initializing a struct which represents a hash table. 我正在初始化一个代表哈希表的结构。 I'm attempting to make the frequencies = 0 and the keys = null, but I'm getting a seg fault and not too sure why. 我试图使频率= 0,键=空,但我遇到段错误,但不太确定为什么。 Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

htable htable_new(int capacity) {
  int i;

  htable result = emalloc(sizeof *result);
  result->capacity = capacity;
  result->frequencies = emalloc(capacity * sizeof result->frequencies[0]);
  result->keys = emalloc(capacity * sizeof result->keys[0]);
  for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
    result->frequencies[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
    result->keys[i] = NULL;

  return result;

and here is the struct which I'm initializing: 这是我正在初始化的结构:

struct htablerec {

  int capacity;
  int num_keys;
  int *frequencies;
  char **keys;


I don't see what's wrong as I'm trying to initialize all the int's i've allocated to 0, and all the char pointers to NULL. 我尝试初始化分配给0的所有int以及所有指向NULL的char指针时,都没有看到什么问题。 Is this wrong? 错了吗 Should I be doing this some other way? 我应该以其他方式这样做吗? Thanks for your help! 谢谢你的帮助!

Try the following (notice pointers near result and return type): 尝试以下操作(注意结果和返回类型附近的指针):

htable *htable_new(int capacity) {
  int i;

  htable *result = emalloc(sizeof *result);
  result->capacity = capacity;
  result->frequencies = emalloc(capacity * sizeof result->frequencies[0]);
  result->keys = emalloc(capacity * sizeof result->keys[0]);
  for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
    result->frequencies[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
    result->keys[i] = NULL;

  return *result;

Or, as far as your structure is small, you may want to return it by value: 或者,就您的结构而言,您可能希望按值返回它:

htable htable_new(int capacity) {
  int i;
  htable result = { 0 };

  result.capacity = capacity;
  result.frequencies = emalloc(capacity * sizeof result->frequencies[0]);
  result.keys = emalloc(capacity * sizeof result->keys[0]);
  for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
    result.frequencies[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
    result.keys[i] = NULL;

  return result;

I changed result to be an actual struct, rather than pointer to it. 我将result更改为实际的结构,而不是指向它的指针。 Because of that, it's allocated on stack, fields are initialized as usual and then I return it as is. 因此,它分配在堆栈上,像往常一样初始化字段,然后按原样返回它。 That means, all struct will be copied to the new place. 这意味着,所有结构都将被复制到新位置。

Remember that only field of htable are copied; 请记住,仅复制htable字段; capacity and keys are copied as pointers. capacitykeys被复制为指针。 That means that if you do htable a = new_htable(10); htable b = a; 这意味着如果您执行htable a = new_htable(10); htable b = a; htable a = new_htable(10); htable b = a; then a.keys == b.keys (they point to the same array). 然后a.keys == b.keys (它们指向同一数组)。

I don't know, how your code compiled at all. 我不知道您的代码是如何编译的。 By the way, you forgot to initialize num_keys field and the name of struct you defined doesn't match the name of return type. 顺便说一句,您忘记初始化num_keys字段,并且您定义的结构名称与返回类型的名称不匹配。

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