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在 Powershell 中为远程计算机执行 CHKDSK

[英]Executing CHKDSK for remote computer in Powershell

This is what I have come up with but it says "Drive Letter does not exist"这是我想出的,但它说“驱动器号不存在”

$server = Read-Host "Enter server name"
$driveletter = Read-Host "Enter Drive Letter"
$disks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $server -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter  ("DeviceID='" + $driveletter+":'")

$FixErrors          = $false    # does not fix errors 
$VigorousIndexCheck = $true     # performs a vigorous check of the indexes
$SkipFolderCycle    = $false    # does not skip folder cycle checking.
$ForceDismount      = $false    # will not force a dismount (to enable errors to be   fixed)
$RecoverBadSecors   = $false    # does not recover bad sectors
$OKToRunAtBootup    = $false    # runs now, vs at next bootup

foreach($disk in $disks) 
    $deviceID = $disk.DeviceID
    Write-Host $deviceID

    If ($deviceID -eq $driveletter)
         $res = $c.chkdsk($FixErrors, 

          $result = $res.ReturnValue
          Write-Host $result

    "Drive letter does not exist"

The server I entered is pinging fine and returns the drive letter also but it is not returning the chkdsk return value.我输入的服务器 ping 正常并返回驱动器号,但它没有返回 chkdsk 返回值。 How can I get the chkdsk return value?如何获得 chkdsk 返回值?

You were close $drive is just a string as the error suggests.正如错误所暗示的那样,您很接近$drive只是一个字符串。 In order to execute it you need to capture the return from your line.为了执行它,您需要从您的行中捕获返回。 Since the query returns an array of objects we just want to ensure only one is returned ( Even though you have it coded to only return one).由于查询返回一组对象,我们只想确保仅返回一个对象(即使您将其编码为仅返回一个)。

$wmiDrive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Volume -Filter ("DriveLetter='c:'") | Select-Object -First 1
$wmiDrive.chkdsk($false, $true, $false, $false, $false, $false)

With $wmiDrive you can execute the method for chkdsk .使用$wmiDrive您可以执行chkdsk的方法。

The single quotes prevent the variable from expanding so you could replace "DriveLetter='c:'" with:单引号可防止变量扩展,因此您可以将"DriveLetter='c:'"替换为:

("DriveLetter='" + $drletter + ":'")

I think you're over complicate it.我认为你把它复杂化了。 try尝试

$driveletter = Read-Host "Enter Drive Letter"
$disk = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter  ("DeviceID='" + $driveletter+":'")

if ($disk){
    $FixErrors          = $false    # does not fix errors 
    $VigorousIndexCheck = $true     # performs a vigorous check of the indexes
    $SkipFolderCycle    = $false    # does not skip folder cycle checking.
    $ForceDismount      = $false    # will not force a dismount (to enable errors to be   fixed)
    $RecoverBadSecors   = $false    # does not recover bad sectors
    $OKToRunAtBootup    = $false    # runs now, vs at next bootup
    $res = $disk.chkdsk($FixErrors, 
     #bonus from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384915(v=vs.85).aspx     
     If ($char -ge 0 -and $char -le 5) {
        switch ($char) {
            1{"01-sUCCESS (volume locked and chkdsk scheduled for reboot"}
            2{"02-unsupported file system"}
            3{"03-Unknown file system"}
            4{"04-No Media in drive"}
            5{"05-Unknown Error"}

    Else {
        "{0} - *Invalid Result Code*" -f $char

    "Drive letter does not exist"

Parameter $VigorousIndexCheck is not correct.参数 $VigorousIndexCheck 不正确。 Proper name should be $LessVigorousIndexCheck and set to default 'false' because is related to chkdsk parameter /I>>>正确的名称应该是 $LessVigorousIndexCheck 并设置为默认的 'false' 因为与 chkdsk 参数相关 /I>>>

/I NTFS only: Performs a less vigorous check of index entries. /I NTFS only:对索引条目执行较不严格的检查。

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