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[英]Nested ngRepeat limitTo not working

I'm currently having a problem with ng-repeat and limiting the amount of elements being displayed in my view. 我目前在ng-repeat上遇到问题,并限制了在我的视图中显示的元素数量。 I'm wondering if it has to do with being a nested loop. 我想知道它是否与嵌套循环有关。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

<li style="cursor:pointer; margin:8px;" class="span3" ng-repeat="psp in preSplitPrompts" ng-click="selectRelatedSplitPanels($index)">

    <div ng-class="$first ? 'panelBackground' : 'altPanelBackground'" class="thumbnail splitPanel">
        <h3>{{ (psp.promptname) ? psp.promptname : "No Name From API" }}</h3>
        <h2 ng-repeat="postsplit in psp.postSplit | limitTo: 1">{{ postsplit.metrics.preSplitTotalCount ? postsplit.metrics.preSplitTotalCount : 0 }}</h2>


I've tried limiting the list item by doing limitTo:1 and that works fine. 我已经尝试通过执行limitTo:1来限制列表项,并且效果很好。 It's only when trying to limit the postsplit. 仅在尝试限制后拆分时。 Thanks for the help. 谢谢您的帮助。

EDIT: 编辑:

This code works: 此代码有效:

<li style="cursor:pointer; margin:8px;" class="span3" ng-repeat="psp in preSplitPrompts | limitTo: 1" ng-click="selectRelatedSplitPanels($index)">

    <div ng-class="$first ? 'panelBackground' : 'altPanelBackground'" class="thumbnail splitPanel">
        <h3>{{ (psp.promptname) ? psp.promptname : "No Name From API" }}</h3>
        <h2 ng-repeat="postsplit in psp.postSplit">{{ postsplit.metrics.preSplitTotalCount ? postsplit.metrics.preSplitTotalCount : 0 }}</h2>


Here is the data object: 这是数据对象:



ng-class="{$first ? 'panelBackground' : 'altPanelBackground'}"

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