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[英]Struct has undefined value after being passed into a method

I'm have a weird issue with a pair of GLKVector3 structs. 我对一对GLKVector3结构有一个奇怪的问题。 I get them from two calls to an objc method axisForIndex: , then pass them to a C function getContactPoint to perform a computation. 我通过两次调用objc方法axisForIndex:来获取它们,然后将它们传递给C函数getContactPoint以执行计算。 However, when the argument of both calls to axisForIndex: are zero, their values "vanish" after I enter the method -- that is, the value of first.x might be .55 outside the method, but it is 0 inside. 但是,当两个对axisForIndex:调用的参数均为零时,进入方法后它们的值“消失”-也就是说,方法外部的first.x值可能为.55,内部的值为0。 When I look at them in the debugger, none of their fields are filled in, and when I print description I get something like (GLKVector3) varName = <variable not available> . 当我在调试器中查看它们时,它们的任何字段均未填写,并且在我打印说明时,我得到的东西类似于(GLKVector3) varName = <variable not available> However, checking the values in the method calling getContactPoint before and after it is called shows that they are as they should be. 但是,在调用getContactPoint的方法之前和之后对其进行检查,结果表明它们与应有的状态相同。 I'm using Xcode6-Beta6 to compile and run the code. 我正在使用Xcode6-Beta6来编译和运行代码。

Here's the code: 这是代码:

    GLKVector3 first = [self axisForIndex: oneAxisIndex]; // the structs I want to use
    GLKVector3 second = [other axisForIndex: twoAxisIndex];

    //in this method they have garbage values
    result.contactLocation = getContactPoint(first, 

    //test to see if the result was computed correctly
    if (result.contactLocation.x == 0 && result.contactLocation.y == 0 && result.contactLocation.z == 0) {

        NSLog(@"%ld,%ld", (unsigned long)oneAxisIndex, (unsigned long)twoAxisIndex);

    result.interpenetration = bestOverlap;

    return result;

Here is the implementation of getContactPoint, the method where the values are undefined. 这是getContactPoint的实现,该方法的值未定义。

GLKVector3 getContactPoint(GLKVector3 axisOne,
                       GLKVector3 axisTwo,
                       GLKVector3 ptOnEdgeOne,
                       GLKVector3 ptOnEdgeTwo) {

GLKVector3 toSt = GLKVector3Subtract(ptOnEdgeOne, ptOnEdgeTwo);

GLfloat dpStaOne = GLKVector3DotProduct(axisOne, toSt);
GLfloat dpStaTwo = GLKVector3DotProduct(axisTwo, toSt);

GLfloat smOne = GLKVector3Length(axisOne);
GLfloat smTwo = GLKVector3Length(axisTwo);

GLfloat dotProductEdges = GLKVector3DotProduct(axisTwo, axisOne);

GLfloat denom = smOne * smTwo - dotProductEdges * dotProductEdges;

GLfloat a = (dotProductEdges * dpStaOne - smTwo * dpStaOne)/denom;
GLfloat b = (smOne * dpStaTwo - dotProductEdges * dpStaOne)/denom;

GLKVector3 nearestPtOnOne = GLKVector3MultiplyScalar(GLKVector3Add(ptOnEdgeOne, axisOne), a);
GLKVector3 nearestPtOnTwo = GLKVector3MultiplyScalar(GLKVector3Add(ptOnEdgeTwo, axisTwo), b);

return GLKVector3Add(GLKVector3MultiplyScalar(nearestPtOnOne, 0.5), GLKVector3MultiplyScalar(nearestPtOnTwo, 0.5));

Implementation of axisForIndex. 实现axisForIndex。

    -(GLKVector3) axisForIndex: (NSUInteger) index

        GLKVector4 vec = GLKMatrix4GetColumn(self.transformationMatrix, index);

        return GLKVector3Make(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);

The reason you're receiving <variable not available> in the debugger may be due to compiler optimization. 在调试器中收到<variable not available>的原因可能是由于编译器优化所致。

Will you try turning off compiler optimization (Build Setting > Optimization Level) for your build and running the debugger again? 您会尝试为您的构建关闭编译器优化(构建设置>优化级别),然后再次运行调试器吗?

See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13041747/3367343 参见: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/13041747/3367343

Changing the arguments of getContactPoint to pointers and then dereferencing them inside the method, and passing in pointers to the structs I want solves the issue. 将getContactPoint的参数更改为指针,然后在方法内部对其取消引用,然后将指针传递给我想要的结构即可解决此问题。

GLKVector3 getContactPoint(GLKVector3* axisOnePointer,
                           GLKVector3* axisTwoPointer,
                           GLKVector3* ptOnEdgeOnePointer,
                           GLKVector3* ptOnEdgeTwoPointer) {

GLKVector3 axisOne = *axisOnePointer;
GLKVector3 axisTwo = *axisTwoPointer;

GLKVector3 ptOnEdgeOne = *ptOnEdgeOnePointer;
GLKVector3 ptOnEdgeTwo = *ptOnEdgeTwoPointer;

I would be interested in knowing why this is the case. 我想知道为什么会这样。

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