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[英]How correctly use Redis with Koa (node.js)

I try to get an information from a redis db and return it as the body of the response to the user. 我尝试从redis db获取信息并将其作为响应主体返回给用户。 First, here is a code that fails : 首先,这是一个失败的代码:

var redis = require("redis"),
    koa = require("koa");

var app = koa(),
    port = process.argv[2] || 3000,
    client = redis.createClient();

app.use(function* (next) {

    client.get("test", function (err, res) {
        this.body = res;

    yield next;

console.log("listen on port " + port)

Surely because the yield calls end before the callback is called. 当然,因为yield调用在调用回调之前结束。

Then here is a code that success : 然后这是一个成功的代码:

function askRedit (callback) {
    client.get("test", callback);

app.use(function* (next) {
    this.body = yield askRedit;
    yield next;

But I clearly misunderstand why the second one is working. 但我显然误解了为什么第二个工作正常。 Does the yield in yield askRedit have the same behavior than the one in yield next ? 请问yieldyield askRedit具有比在同一个行为yield next

EDIT : I just seen a page that seems to answers a little : https://github.com/visionmedia/co/blob/master/examples/redis.js 编辑:我刚刚看到一个似乎有点回答的页面: https//github.com/visionmedia/co/blob/master/examples/redis.js

So now I will try to understand these misterious yield.. is this a way of doing synchronous things with asynchronous calls ? 所以现在我将尝试理解这些神奇的产量..这是一种用异步调用做同步事情的方法吗?

Here is the correct solution : 这是正确的解决方案:

"Use strict";

var redis = require("redis"),
    coRedis = require("co-redis"),
    koa = require("koa");

var app = koa(),
    port = process.argv[2] || 3000,
    db  = redis.createClient(),
    dbCo = coRedis(db);

app.use(function* () {
    yield dbCo.set("test", 42);
    this.body = yield dbCo.get("test");

console.log("listen on port " + port)

theses links helped : 这些链接帮助:

https://github.com/koajs/workshop/tree/master/01-co https://github.com/koajs/workshop/tree/master/01-co

http://www.jongleberry.com/koa.html http://www.jongleberry.com/koa.html

and "co-redis" of course 当然还有“共同复兴”

Thanks to myself ! 谢谢你!

You could also use: 你也可以使用:

var koa = require('koa');
var app = koa();
var redis = require('then-redis');

var db = redis.createClient('tcp://redis:6379');

db.set('my-key', 0);

app.use(function *(){
    db.incrby('my-key', 5);
    this.body = yield db.get('my-key');


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