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[英]How to stop UIDynamicAnimator in applicationDidEnterBackground

How can I stop a UIDynamicAnimator when applicationDidEnterBackground is called? 我怎样才能停止UIDynamicAnimatorapplicationDidEnterBackground叫? Also, how can I start the timer in applicationWillEnterForeground ? 另外,如何在applicationWillEnterForeground启动计时器? Here's the code I have: 这是我的代码:

in my game viewcontroller.m 在我的游戏viewcontroller.m中

     [_animator removeAllBehaviors]; //_animator is my UIDynamicAnimator
      [time invalidate];

in my app delegate.m 在我的应用程序委托中

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
       gameViewController *new=[[gameViewController   alloc]initWithNibName:@"gameViewController" bundle:nil];
    [new stoptime];

Use NSNotificationCenter . 使用NSNotificationCenter In your view controller, listen for notifications (in viewDidLoad ): 在视图控制器中,侦听通知(在viewDidLoad ):

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(stoptime) name:@"StopTimeNotification" object:nil];

Then, in your applicationDidEnterBackground: 然后,在您的applicationDidEnterBackground:

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"StopTimeNotification" object:nil];

Finally, in your stoptime method: 最后,在您的stoptime方法中:

-(void)stoptime {

    [_animator removeAllBehaviors]; //_animator is my UIDynamicAnimator
    [time invalidate];
    time = nil;

Be sure to call the following when your view controller is about to be freed: 确保要释放视图控制器时,请调用以下命令:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];

Two additional comments: 另外两条评论:

1 - When invalidating a timer, it's good practice to set it to nil as well so you can reuse it later 1-使计时器无效时,最好将其设置为nil ,以便以后再使用

2 - Don't use new as a name for any variable, it's a reserved keyword. 2-不要将new用作任何变量的名称,这是一个保留关键字。


You can use a similar method for restarting your timer. 您可以使用类似的方法重新启动计时器。

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