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Linux SIP客户端仅用于获取传入号码

[英]Linux SIP Client just to get incoming number

I'm looking for a SIP client based on linux (console only, debian if possible) for one simple goal : To let my CRM app know what is the incoming call number. 我正在寻找一个基于linux的SIP客户端(仅限控制台,如果可能,请使用debian),以实现一个简单的目标:让我的CRM应用程序知道什么是来电号码。

There is no need to use voice, autoresponder, etc., I just need to get the incoming call number send somewhere (fill a file with the number, add a row in a sql database, a curl request to my CRM or anything else like that) 无需使用语音,自动应答器等,我只需要将来电号码发送到某处(用该号码填充文件,在sql数据库中添加一行,向我的CRM发出curl请求或其他类似的内容那)

Do you know a SIP client that can let me do this ? 您是否知道可以让我执行此操作的SIP客户端?

Is your intent to receive a SIP INVITE and identify the calling number using this? 您是否打算以此来接收SIP邀请并识别呼叫号码? Because you mentioned you don't need Voice or anything else, a simple SIPP kind of test tool should be fine. 因为您提到您不需要语音或其他任何内容,所以使用简单的SIPP测试工具就可以了。

Or do you want to test it over the mobile Network and hence want to use a VoIP Client. 或者,您是否想通过移动网络对其进行测试,因此要使用VoIP客户端。 or just use the freeware of Xlite etc from either a desktop or mobile device. 或者只是从台式机或移动设备上使用Xlite等免费软件。

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