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使用ADO Recordset填充列表框

[英]Populate Listbox using ADO Recordset

Below is my Code for POpulating ListBox using ADO Recordset . 以下是我使用ADO Recordset填充ListBox的代码。 It is working but not in a way it should be display in form. 它正在工作,但不能以某种形式显示。 在此处输入图片说明

   Function PopulatelstReview()
    Dim sList As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim ADORs As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim strSearchResult As String
    Set AdoCn = New ADODB.Connection

    Set AdoCmd = New ADODB.Command

    AdoCn.Open AdoConnectionString

    AdoCmd.ActiveConnection = AdoConnectionString
    Debug.Print AdoConnectionString

    Set ADORs = New ADODB.Recordset
    'rs.Open "TestListReview", AdoCn
    ADORs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    'rs.Open strSQL, AdoConnectionString, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

        AdoCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
        AdoCmd.CommandText = "TestListReview"
       Set rs = AdoCmd.Execute
    Set ADORs = ExecuteStoredProcedure("TestListReview", AdoCmd)

    With ADORs
    lstReview.RowSourceType = "Value List"
          lstReview.ColumnHeads = False

              Label43.Caption = ADORs.Fields(0).Name
         Label44.Caption = ADORs.Fields(1).Name
           Label45.Caption = ADORs.Fields(2).Name
            Label48.Caption = ADORs.Fields(3).Name
             Label49.Caption = ADORs.Fields(4).Name
              Label50.Caption = ADORs.Fields(5).Name
               Label51.Caption = ADORs.Fields(6).Name
               Label52.Caption = ADORs.Fields(7).Name

                lstReview.AddItem ADORs!id
                lstReview.AddItem ADORs!TradePartner
                lstReview.AddItem ADORs!TrustAccount
                lstReview.AddItem ADORs!Date
                lstReview.AddItem ADORs!CurrentBalance
                lstReview.AddItem ADORs!FileName
                lstReview.AddItem ADORs!RecordNum
                lstReview.AddItem ADORs!ImportDateTime

                 sList = ADORs.GetString(adClipString, , ";", ";")
            'lstReview.RowSourceType = "Value List"
            'lstReview.RowSource = sList
      End With
    'Call RS2WS(ADORs, "A3")
    'lstReview.Column(0, 1) = "ID"

    End Function

I need that each value should come under appropiate columns which i placed in labels.please tell me how can i do this 我需要每个值都应该放在我放置在标签中的适当列下。请告诉我我该怎么做

Are you using Excel or Access? 您正在使用Excel还是Access? if you are using Access you could import/linked table and use normal queries as (recordsource) to populate list boxes. 如果您使用的是Access,则可以导入/链接表并将正常查询用作(记录源)来填充列表框。

anyhow, here is a pseudo code to populate a listbox using your method. 无论如何,这是使用您的方法填充列表框的伪代码。 After you have connected to the server and executed your SQL statement try following codes. 连接到服务器并执行SQL语句后,请尝试以下代码。

Dim RC, CC As Long
ADORs.MoveLast ' vba will not know the total row until you scroll down to the last
RC = ADORs.RecordCount ' get the result row count
CC = ADORs.Fields.count ' get the field/column count
ADORs.MoveFirst ' Move back to the first record

lstReview.ColumnHeads = True
lstReview.ColumnCount = CC ' Number of column as in the recordset

'Fill the column names
Dim I As Integer
For I = 0 To CC - 1
    lstReview.Column(I, 0).value = ADORs.Fields(I).name
Next I

'Fill the data
Dim J As Integer
While Not ADORs.EOF
    For I = 1 To RC - 1
        For J = 0 To CC - 1
            lstReview.Column(J, I).value = ADORs.Fields(J).value
        Next J
    Next I
    ADORs.MoveNext 'moving to next record

Also you should consider trapping errors such as if the SQL execution has returned any records. 您还应该考虑捕获错误,例如SQL执行是否返回了任何记录。

for access you can use this 访问,您可以使用此

If Nz(ADORs.RecordCount, 0) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Sorry no records found.."
        Exit Sub
    End If

if you are using excel you can use something like this 如果您使用的是excel,则可以使用类似的内容

If isNull(ADORs.RecordCount) or (ADORs.RecordCount = 0) Then
    MsgBox "Sorry no records found.."
    Exit Sub
End If

hope this helps.. enjoy :) 希望这可以帮助..享受:)

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