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[英]How to delete zeros from matrix in MATLAB?

Here is my problem: 这是我的问题:

I have a nxn matrix in matlab. 我在matlab中有一个nxn矩阵。 I want to delete all the zeros of this matrix and put the rows of it in vectors. 我想删除此矩阵的所有零,并将其行放在向量中。 For n=4 , let say I have the following matrix: 对于n=4 ,假设我有以下矩阵:

A = [ 1 1 0 0
      1 2 0 0
      1 0 0 0
      1 2 1 0 ];

How to get the following: 如何获得以下内容:

v1 = [ 1 1 ]; 
v2 = [ 1 2 ]; 
v3 = [ 1 ]; 
v4 = [ 1 2 1 ]; 

I did the following: 我做了以下事情:

for i = 1:size(A, 1)
    tmp = A(i, :);
    tmp(A(i, :)==0)=[];
    v{i} = tmp;

Slightly faster than Divakar's answer : Divakar的回答快一点:

nzv = arrayfun(@(n) nonzeros(A(n,:)), 1:size(A,1), 'uniformoutput', false);

Benchmarking 标杆

Small matrix 小矩阵

A = randi([0 3],100,200);
repetitions = 1000;

for count = 1:repetitions
  nzv =cellfun(@(x) nonzeros(x),mat2cell(A,ones(1,size(A,1)),size(A,2)),'uni',0);

for count = 1:repetitions
  nzv = arrayfun(@(n) nonzeros(A(n,:)), 1:size(A,1), 'uniformoutput', false);

Elapsed time is 3.017757 seconds.
Elapsed time is 2.025967 seconds.

Large matrix 大矩阵

A = randi([0 3],1000,2000);
repetitions = 100;

Elapsed time is 11.483947 seconds.
Elapsed time is 5.563153 seconds.

Convert to a cell array such that you have a cell for each row and then use nonzeros for each cell, that deletes zeros and finally store them into separate variables. 转换为单元格数组,以便每行都有一个单元格,然后为每个单元格使用nonzeros值,删除零并最终将它们存储到单独的变量中。


nzv =cellfun(@(x) nonzeros(x),mat2cell(A,ones(1,size(A,1)),size(A,2)),'uni',0)
[v1,v2,v3,v4] = nzv{:}

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