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[英]Best strategy to phase out InfoPath forms in SharePoint

My client uses InfoPath form libraries. 我的客户使用InfoPath表单库。 They want to phase out the use of InfoPath all together and replace it some alternative. 他们想一起逐步淘汰InfoPath的使用,并以其他替代方式代替它。

My idea is to implement custom forms for the same and host it within SharePoint, so that the users can have a web based alternative, in place of client application such InfoPath Form Filler. 我的想法是为此实现自定义表单并将其托管在SharePoint中,以便用户可以使用基于Web的替代方法来代替诸如InfoPath Form Filler之类的客户端应用程序。

What can be the best strategy to achieve this? 实现这一目标的最佳策略是什么?

If you're sure they want to use browser forms, I'd start by investigating Forms9 and Nintex. 如果您确定他们要使用浏览器表单,那么我将从研究Forms9和Nintex开始。 I think Qdabra did a webinar on getting your data out of your existing InfoPath forms. 我认为Qdabra进行了一次网络研讨会,目的是从现有的InfoPath表单中获取数据。

However it might be smart not to rush, since InfoPath is not disappearing for several years. 但是,不要急着着急,因为InfoPath几年都没有消失。 New options are in the works. 新的选择正在酝酿之中。 Microsoft is working on native solutions such as Forms On SharePoint Lists that might meet your client's needs in a year or two. Microsoft正在开发本机解决方案,例如SharePoint列表上的表单,这些解决方案可能在一两年内满足客户的需求。 Also Formotus (my company) has app-based form filling solutions and has announced the intent to continue superseding InfoPath, so the right solution may come from there too. 另外,Formotus(我的公司)也提供基于应用程序的表单填充解决方案,并宣布打算继续取代InfoPath,因此正确的解决方案也可能来自于此。

Recommended reading: My blog series on InfoPath Alternatives 推荐阅读:我的有关InfoPath Alternatives的博客系列

http://www.formotus.com/category/infopath-alternatives http://www.formotus.com/category/infopath-alternatives

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