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在Hibernate Restrictions条件查询中组合2个或更多属性

[英]combining 2 or more properties in Hibernate Restrictions criteria query

I want to perform search action on entered string. 我想对输入的字符串执行搜索操作。 whatever user enter it should search on first name and last name column. 无论输入什么用户,都应该在“名字和姓氏”列上进行搜索。

   //pseudo hql query
     Select   E.someproperty ....  from  Entity E    where   upper(E.firstName || '' || E.lastName)  like  upper(+userEntered+'%')  // 

In above code I combined two column and did search on it. 在上面的代码中,我合并了两列并在其上进行了搜索。 I want similar functionality using hibernate criteria. 我想要使​​用休眠条件的类似功能。 I have tried following query but it didn`t work 我尝试了以下查询,但是没有用

   userEntered, MatchMode.START)).add(Restrictions.ilike("lastName", userEntered, 

I know it is just or condition..please let me know is there way to combine two column and do search on using criteria query 我知道这是公正的还是有条件的。

You can't do this with Restrictions . 您不能通过Restrictions来做到这一点。

I'd strongly recommend doing it in HQL rather than with an SQL restriction in a Criteria instance. 我强烈建议您在HQL中这样做,而不要在Criteria实例中使用SQL限制。 You're in danger of breaking the portability if you start using SQL: the point of Hibernate is to abstract that layer away. 如果您开始使用SQL,就有可能破坏可移植性:Hibernate的目的是将这一层抽象掉。

See this SO question for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参见此SO问题


Its not possible to do like that. 不可能那样做。 Since You need to merge two columns. 由于您需要合并两列。 So Please try in sqlRestrinctions. 因此,请尝试使用sqlRestrinctions。

There is a way, for example add in your mapping hbm.xml file this( || means concat in oracle): 有一种方法,例如在映射hbm.xml文件中添加this(||在oracle中表示concat):

<property name="completeName"
   formula="FST_NAME || ' ' || LAST_NAME"/>  

simply add in java bean, the new proprieties: 只需在Java bean中添加新属性:

private String completeName;
public String getCompleteName() {
    return completeName;
public void setCompleteName(String completeName) {
    this.completeName = completeName;

After finally you can get this concatenation in your restrinction: 最终,您可以在重新定义中得到此串联:


ps: if you are mapping directly on java bean us the formula in this way: ps:如果您直接在java bean上映射,则公式将以这种方式:

@Formula(value="FST_NAME || ' ' || LAST_NAME")
private String completeName;

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