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[英]Search value in multidimension array and keep keys association

I have this array converted from xml of webservice. 我从Web服务的xml转换此数组。 I have 500 items in this array. 我有500个项目在这个数组中。 I want to search any value and return all found array items with key association ( similar to database select query ). 我想搜索任何值并返回具有键关联的所有找到的数组项(类似于数据库select查询)。 So if I search 'dummy' then it should return first item of this array. 因此,如果我搜索“虚拟”,则它应返回此数组的第一项。

    [12.12.2014] => Array
            [7] => Array
                    [id] => 1672
                    [date] => 12.12.2014
                    [description] => rummy dummy data
                    [room] => delux
                    [Type] => garden
                    [from] => 17:00
                    [to] => 17:45
                    [assets] => Array

                [asset] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [number] => 5275
                                            [detail] => primary one

                    [1] => Array
                                            [number] => 19
                                            [detail] => secondary one



                    [references] => Array
                            [reference] => Array
                                    [personnumber] => 479470
                                    [type] => worker
                                    [name] => David
                                    [department] => Sales
                                    [cv] => Array
                    [pdetails] => follow later  

                                    [profile] => True




       [13.12.2014] => Array
            [17] => Array
                    [id] => 1672
                    [date] => 13.12.2014
                    [description] => brown fox jump
                    [room] => star
                    [Type] => city
                    [from] => 17:00
                    [to] => 17:45
                    [assets] => Array
                            [asset] => Array
                                   [number] => 5275
                                   [detail] => prime two


                    [references] => Array
                            [reference] => Array
                                    [personnumber] => 479470
                                    [type] => manager
                                    [name] => Albert
                                    [department] => Purchase
                                    [cv] => Array
                    [pdetails] => follow later  

                                    [profile] => True





I tried stripos to search string in array value and in_array based functions but either it gives incorrect result or key association is not maintained. 我尝试了stripos在基于数组值和基于in_array的函数中搜索字符串,但是它给出的结果不正确或键关联未得到维护。

I am unable to find a way to maintain key->value. 我找不到保持键->值的方法。

function search($array, $key, $value) 
    $results = array(); 

    if (is_array($array)) 
        if (isset($array[$key]) && $array[$key] == $value) 
            $results[] = $array; 

        foreach ($array as $subarray) 
            $results = array_merge($results, search($subarray, $key, $value)); 

    return $results; 

This may be worst function you have ever seen but this do the job. 这可能是您见过的最糟糕的功能,但是可以完成任务。 If some one can make it recursive ( array may be further deeper ). 如果有人可以使其递归(数组可能会更深)。

function search_in_multi_array($srchvalue, $array)
        $foundkey = '';
        if (is_array($array) && count($array) > 0)
            foreach($array as $pkey => $pvalue)
                foreach($pvalue as $ckey => $cvalue)
                    if (is_array($cvalue) && count($cvalue) > 0)
                            $foundkey[$pkey][$ckey] = $cvalue;
                            foreach($cvalue as $dkey => $dvalue)
                                    $pos = stripos($dvalue, $srchvalue);
                                    if ($pos !== false)
                                        $foundkey[$pkey][$ckey] = $cvalue; 
        return $foundkey;

Function call - $needle = 'fox'; 函数调用-$ needle ='fox'; search_in_multi_array($needle, $my_array); search_in_multi_array($ needle,$ my_array); This is the output 这是输出

    [13.12.2014] => Array
            [17] => Array
                    [id] => 1672
                    [date] => 13.12.2014
                    [description] => brown fox jump
                    [room] => star
                    [Type1] => city
                    [from] => 17:00
                    [to] => 17:45
                    [assets] => Array
                            [asset] => Array
                                    [number] => 5275
                                    [detail] => prime two


                    [references] => Array
                            [reference] => Array
                                    [personnumber] => 479470
                                    [Type1] => manager
                                    [name] => Albert
                                    [department] => Purchase
                                    [cv] => Array
                                            [pdetails] => follow later

                                    [profile] => 1





You may want to have a look at XPath to run queries against the "raw" XML, see DOMXPath for example. 您可能需要查看XPath才能针对“原始” XML运行查询,例如,请参阅DOMXPath

Something like /myRootTag/someDayTag[.//text()[contains(.,'MY_SEARCH_VALUE')]] should do the trick, selecting and returning all the someDayTag XML elements below the myRootTag which have the text MY_SEARCH_VALUE in any child node. 喜欢的东西/myRootTag/someDayTag[.//text()[contains(.,'MY_SEARCH_VALUE')]]应该做的伎俩,选择并返回所有someDayTag下面的XML元素myRootTag具有文本MY_SEARCH_VALUE任何子节点。

You can use array_search() function to look through the array values. 您可以使用array_search()函数浏览数组值。 But array_search only looks in single-dimensional array. 但是array_search只看一维数组。

Since you have a multi-dimensional array, you can write custom recursive function to search recursively in the array 由于您具有多维数组,因此您可以编写自定义递归函数以在数组中递归搜索

function recursive_array_search($needle,$haystack) {
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
    if($needle===$value OR (is_array($value) && recursive_array_search($needle,$value) !== false)) {
        return $current_key;
return false;

But please note, using array_search() is a easier approach but not a optimised function. 但是请注意,使用array_search()是更简单的方法,但不是优化的函数。 Which means if you're more concerned about your memory utilisation then I would also addtionally suggest. 这意味着,如果您更担心内存使用率,那么我也建议您。

  • Create a new array say 'dictionary' and store them like $dictonary[<key-searched>] = array('12.12.2014', '13.12.2014') 创建一个名为'dictionary'的新数组,并将其存储为$dictonary[<key-searched>] = array('12.12.2014', '13.12.2014')
  • So you process them once, and cache them 因此,您只需处理一次并缓存它们
  • So next time when you want search again for the same key, you can first check if the key exists in dictionary. 因此,下次要再次搜索相同的键时,可以首先检查该键是否存在于字典中。 If exists return from there, else use array_search and cache the results in dictionary 如果存在从那里返回,否则使用array_search并将结果缓存在字典中

Its always easier to search by key-value than to search in a multi-dimensional array. 通过键值进行搜索总是比在多维数组中进行搜索更容易。

I've made a simple routine that will extract the values in the array you're looking for: 我做了一个简单的例程,它将提取您要查找的数组中的值:

function search_keys($needle,$haystack)
  foreach($haystack as $key => $value)
    if (is_array($value)) $output[$key] = search_keys($needle,$value);
    else if (strpos($value,$needle) !== FALSE) $output[$key] = $value;
  return isset($output) ? $output : NULL; // prevent warning

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

This will return 'garden' as: 这将返回“花园”为:

    [12.12.2014] => Array
            [7] => Array
                    [Type] => garden



You can further process the output of this function, or change the function, as needed. 您可以根据需要进一步处理此功能的输出,或更改功能。

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