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在Sencha Touch中获取有关“初始化”的容器记录

[英]Get container's record on “initialize” in Sencha Touch

I have a listContainer and on tap of any item in the list, I open another page known as editContainer with the record from list. 我有一个listContainer,点击列表中的任何项目,就会打开另一个名为editContainer的页面,其中包含列表中的记录。 In the edit page, I want to disable a dropdown based on the value of another field, is there any way I can get the values in record in the initialize function of editContainer? 在编辑页面中,我想基于另一个字段的值禁用下拉列表,有什么方法可以在editContainer的initialize函数中获取记录中的值? Here is my code:- 这是我的代码:

this.editContainer = Ext.create('myApp.view.EditContainer',{title:'Edit Data'});

Above code opens editContainer when a list item is selected. 当选择一个列表项时,以上代码将打开editContainer。 Below is my EditContainer 以下是我的EditContainer

Ext.define('myApp.view.EditContainer', {
    extend: 'Ext.Container',

    requires: [

config: {
    id: 'editContainer',
    autoDestroy: false,
    layout: 'fit',
    items: [
            xtype: 'formpanel',
            id: 'editFormPanel',
            padding: 10,
            styleHtmlContent: true,
            autoDestroy: false,
            layout: 'fit',
            items: [
                    xtype: 'fieldset',
                    id: 'nameFieldSet',
                    autoDestroy: false,
                    items: [
                            xtype: 'textfield',
                            id: 'siteName',
                            itemId: 'mytextfield',
                            label: 'Name',
                            labelWidth: '35%',
                            name: 'name'
                            xtype: 'selectfield',
                            id: 'role',
                            itemId: 'myselectfield4',
                            label: 'Role',
                            labelWidth: '35%',
                            name: 'role',
                            options: [
                                    text: 'Unassigned',
                                    value: 'Unassigned'
                                    text: 'Role1',
                                    value: 'role1'
                            xtype: 'selectfield',
                            id: 'type',
                            label: 'Type',
                            labelWidth: '35%',
                            name: 'type',
                            options: [
                                    text: 'Default',
                                    value: 'Default'
                                    text: 'Custom',
                                    value: 'custom'
                            xtype: 'selectfield',
                            id: 'roleValue',
                            label: 'Role Value',
                            labelWidth: '35%',
                            name: 'rolevalue',
                            options: [
                                    text: 'value1',
                                    value: 'value1'
                                    text: 'value2',
                                    value: 'value2'
                                    text: 'value3',
                                    value: 'value3'
    listeners: [
            fn: 'onTextfieldKeyup',
            event: 'keyup',
            delegate: 'textfield'
            fn: 'onSelectfieldChange',
            event: 'change',
            delegate: 'selectfield'

onTextfieldKeyup: function(textfield, e, eOpts) {
    this.fireEvent('change', this);

onSelectfieldChange: function(selectfield, newValue, oldValue, eOpts) {
    this.fireEvent('change', this);

initialize: function() {
    var record;

    //Code to disable roleValue selectfield if Role is unassigned.

updateRecord: function(newRecord) {
    var me = this,
        myPanel = me.down('#editFormPanel');



saveRecord: function() {
    var me =this,
        myStore = Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('MyStore');

    var formPanel = me.down('#editFormPanel'),
        record = formPanel.getRecord();

    return record;


Since creating your editContainer and setting its data are two different steps in your code you can't use the initialize method of the editContainer. 由于在代码中创建了editContainer并设置了其数据是两个不同的步骤,因此不能使用editContainer的initialize方法。

But you can override the setRecord method of the editContainer, so it additionally disables the dropdown. 但是您可以覆盖editContainer的setRecord方法,因此它另外会禁用下拉菜单。

Since you push the editContainer onto a navigation view you could also use the activate event of the editContainer to disable the dropdown. 由于将editContainer推到导航视图上,因此您还可以使用editContainer的activate事件禁用下拉菜单。

Maybe you can create a quick store on the fly, as a place to have a reference to that data... 也许您可以即时创建一个快速存储,作为参考该数据的地方...

    //in your controller where you set the record

    var mod = Ext.define('app.model.PanelDataModel', {
        extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
        config: {
            fields: [

    var sto = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
        model: mod,

        roleValue: record.roleValue

    //Now in your panel's initialize method:

    var pstore = Ext.getStore('PanelDataStore');

    if(pstore.data.all[0].data.roleValue == 'unassigned'){

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